Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. It's knowable from sufficiently high states of consciousness.
  2. When you get into politics and you go on judging and moralizing others, you should make sure you don't have skeletons in your own closet. That's how this game works. And Brand has gotten himself involved in politics. The problem with today's online commentators is that they expect to be able to play the game of politics without any repurcusions. This is naive and amatuerish. If you are gonna be ranting every week to a large audience about how corrupt and evil the mainstream power structure is, you better not have raped anyone in the past. Of course your rapes will be used against you. Welcome to politics.
  3. For the same reason every organism dies.
  4. Realistically I don't see anyone beating Biden. Which is why there isn't a primary. I wouldn't mind a primary tho. Maybe someone new would emerge.
  5. The whole problem with Progressives is that they're too idealistic in a realist world. Even if Biden stepped asise, there's no way Williamson would win a Democratic primary. She's not popular enough. RKJ Jr would be the most likely runner up.
  6. If the story is about Brand's sexual crimes, obviously they will not be interviewing those girls who he didn't force himself on. It only takes 1 rape for him to be guilty in this area. And he's probably been with 1000 girls. So it's like finding a needle in a haystack.
  7. Is what's happening in big cities uber Green, or uber Orange? Think about it.
  8. My pickup line for the night was: "You're Perfect. I want to sell you into sexual slavery."
  9. I'm just a guy YT-Leo pays to keep you suckers entertained. You really thought YT-Leo would waste his time on here?
  10. I am doing my utmost to make God easy for you, since you are a spiritual cripple. But you are incorrigible.
  11. That's not what I said! Show me a study that tried to genetically engineer a baby Jesus! One of the problems with all you scientists is that you have neither vision nor balls. That's one important thing spirituality can add to your science. Do you understand how much vision and balls it would take to genetically engineer a baby Jesus? No. You scientists think like robots on an assembly line. No art in your mind.
  12. It's so rough having women throwing themselves at you all the time. Trust me guys. I speak from direct experience.
  13. I'm the only one here who understands what Awakening is. And it's Beauitiful. Why are you Enlightend guys so ugly? Your Enlightenment is just lipstick on a pig.
  14. @Water by the River As for you. You will never Awaken until you first realize that you are a meditation rat.
  15. No amount of psychedelics will help you. Because you have not learned how to use your mind properly.