Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Love requires a distinct Awakening of it's own. It's not at all obvious what Love is and how it relates to Truth or Consciousness. It takes serious intelligence and insight to realize the connection.
  2. I promise you that Ralston's students have no idea what Love really is.
  3. FYI, YT has demonitized gun channels in the past on a platform wide level. But then they reversed it. YT is pretty fickle. I'm betting they will eventually reverse this Brand action because it is so rash and excessive. I think a lot of people will also support Brand once they hear of this. YT has gotten themselves into a PR disaster now. I usually support YT, but this action of theirs has even pissed me off. And I don't even like Russell Brand. But Brand deserves some due process here. Brand is not some sort of Andrew Tate or Alex Jones.
  4. I disagree. Don't forget that YT/Google also have many internal employees who are easily offended by issues such as rape and LGBTQ+ issues. #MeToo cancellations have a power beyond most other issues. Look at how Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis got attacked and nearly canceled last week just for writing some letters to a judge in the Danny Materson trial.
  5. @Osaid You are missing that Ralston does not teach the metaphysical reality of Love. The reason he does not teach it is because it isn't a thing for him. He regards love as but a human emotion.
  6. He's a great role-model for how to talk to girls.
  7. That's a horrible idea. You can easily snort 10mg.
  8. Ralston would disagree with you. The thing is that even you so-called "enlightened people" all disagree with each other. You can't keep your stories straight. Which just goes to show how little your enlightenment means. I've even had "enlightened" people on this forum deny the existence of God. That's how little enlightenment is worth.
  9. I already answered this in a perious thread. My answer is: I was being charitable to him. Because I have a lot of respect for his work.
  10. In the end YT is gonna do whatever keeps the most people happy. But this policy is not sustainable. There needs to be a quasi-legal like process where YTbers have a chance to defend themselves against mob outrage and slander/gossip. Some new President needs to establish a court that deals exclusively with social media cancelations because this is getting out of hand.
  11. I think YT got flooded by angry women after that documentary.
  12. Hard to avoid that these days. Some large company has to handle your payments. YT is over-reaching here. They must have gotten a ton of angry fan mail to ban Brand over the last few days. This thing is turning into a clusterfuck. At this point it's not clear how a Youtuber needs to behave off-platform not to get cancelled. For example, I have no idea what off-platform conduct is unacceptable to YT. Kinda concerning. It's one thing to police on-platform content, but now YT polices your off-platform behavior??? And not only that, but even hearsay and rumors about your off-platform behavior can get you banned? That's so problematic. If YT wants to ban Brand they should at least wait until he is convicted in court. And even if he is convincted of rape, I don't see why that should get his channel banned. It's not like his videos promote rape. Many celebrities have been convicted of many things. Kobe Bryant was accused of rape. Does that mean Kobe Bryant videos should be removed from YT?
  13. Welp, YT has now demonitized Russell Brand: https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/19/media/russell-brand-youtube-channel-monetization/index.html That is quite gross to demonitize for only hearsay.
  14. Endless new dreams, yes. Suffering, no. There could be dreams without suffering.
  15. Is Barbie's gynecologist a 12 year old boy with a toothpick?
  16. After Consciousness frees itself of the human dream, it can dream anything it wants. But don't confuse that with "you" -- this ego -- having control over the process. God is in control.
  17. You'd be surprised how many Americans find Trump not only likeable but admire and aspire to be him. To many Americans Trump represents the epitome of a successful life.
  18. That's one of the trickiest things in the world. My videos share many strategies. And my new course will go into some very advanced self-deceptions that plague the nondual, Buddhist, and enlightenment community.
  19. She's not likeable and has the wrong vibe. That's what wins elections.
  20. I'm quite sure Harris has no chance against Trump.
  21. I'm not sure Williamson would beat Trump in a head to head. RFK Jr probably would. Williamson would have the whole corporate establishment against her. No corporate or business person would vote for her.
  22. I think what all this boils down to is the rape allegation. Is it true or not? And are there any other rapes? The rest of the stuff he can probably slide on.