Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. It is in fact legally recognized that drugging and raping is much worse. Danny Masterson was just convicted of that and he was given a harsher sentence due to the fact he drugged girls. The rapes of Danny Masterson seem way worse than what Russell Brand did. Which is why I brought up this idea of degrees.
  2. @Princess Arabia So for you all rape is identical? Consider the case of degrees of murder. You might say: But if you ask the murder victim what difference does it make to him which degree of murder it was? It's all the same. And yet, we still distinguish degrees of murder. For example, I think rape with a weapon should count as a higher degree of rape. And you could make a distinction between sober vs intoxicated rape. Violent vs non-violent rape. And so on.
  3. Just ask any woman, would you rather be raped by your husband or by a stranger in a dark alley, and you will see the clear difference.
  4. Definitely. It's not nearly as bad. Couples can make each others upset or cry and even be forceful. I'm not justifying it. I'm just saying reasonable minds can see degrees of rape like degrees of murder.
  5. No! Consciousness is always in some state. The only question is how deeply it comprehends itself. Low states cannot comprehend themselves. So when you sit in meditation you don't actually comprehend what God is, even though you can even feel like you have some sense of God. That sense is 1% of what it could be. 1) That's not what these people are doing. 2) Higher consciousness can be so high that you will not be able to function as a human. That is the whole point. You must recognize that your very human life is an obstacle to you being consciousness. If you want to be a human you will not be highly conscious by definition. So everything these nondual people are talking is just consciousness within a narrow band which is compatible with human life, morality, and sanity. So they can keep selling you satsangs, books, and meditation techniques. If you become conscious enough you will start to lose your sanity. That's proper consciousness. For me the point is understanding of reality/myself. Yes. Comprehending reality requires seeing through various illusions. I don't know how to answer that. It's a values question. It's up to you to decide what you want out of life. It's possible for you to dip your toe in the pool and judge for yourself how deep you wish to go. You don't have to dive into the deepest part of the pool head-first. In fact, that's not really even possible without a big over-dose. My top priority has been simply being as conscious as I could be. So that's what a pursued and it naturally led me into some crazy realms. I agree with you there. But that's a mild form of consciousness. You're not going to be able to live life at the levels of consciousness which I am talking about if you were in them 24/7. A human cannot be in them 24/7. Don't even start with this nonsense.
  6. Obviously it wasn't reported. Which is quite common. This is a continuation of the #MeToo movement. Rape is still legally possible inside a relationship. Although of course I think there should be degrees of rape. Rape in a relationship is very different than raping a stranger in a dark alley at knife-point. But legally it's even possible to rape your own wife. Which, BTW, Trump is accused of. But there are 5 allegations of sexual assult now. Hard to fake all that.
  7. My concern is higher things. If you are interested in lower things, that is okay. But don't expect me to join you.
  8. Your self-deception is not merely at the level of words or concepts, it's at the level of conscious experience.
  9. The reason I know that none of these enlightened people is seriously conscious is simply because if you were seriously conscious you would not be able to walk straight. Just the fact that a spiritual person can walk down the street tells me he's in a very low state of consciousness. The consciousness I am talking about is so profound that you would be plastered on the floor crying for God to save you and give you your human sanity back. Do not be fooled by any of these enlightened people. Enlightenment is an elaborate illusion dreamed but by God. And no enlightened person is aware of that. Either you will have enough intelligence to understand this or you won't. I have been as clear and direct with you as I can be.
  10. Consciousness is creating a total illusion, hallucinating Buddhism, meditation, enlightenment, what you guys refer to as "truth", and so on. The illusion is infinite. But you are not conscious of this yet. To truly Awaken, the entire illusion of human spiritual attainment must be deconstructed, which requires insane levels of intelligence. Without that intelligence the illusion will simply outsmart you and fool you into thinking that you're reached the end. See, when you reach your elightenment and tell yourself, "That's it. There can't possibly be anything else. No higher consciousness, that's impossible." That just becomes another illusion which you are not conscious enough to break out of. You will try to deny all this, and I will just keep telling you that there is more consciousness that you're missing. When you say that you have reached "truth" and that all there is left is to explore endless forms. No. That's not what I'm telling you. I'm not talking about the exploration of exotic endless forms. I am saying you fundamentally lack the consciousness necessary to understand reality and God. You literally are not fully aware of what God is. God is NOT whatever you call Truth. God is also not Nothing. God is also not some exotic form. And the bottom line is that you are not deeply conscious of God. And that is the only point. Everything else is games, distractions, and illusions.
  11. The rape allegation against Brand appears credible. The woman has a report from a clinic from the night of. So it's most likely true. And honestly, it seems to fit his character and pattern of behavior.
  12. You'd need to take massive amounts of chemical.
  13. @Hardkill What herding cats means is that they don't herd. Rather than coordinating, Progressives prefer to whine, blame each other, and do their own thing. In order for your idea to have any impact you'd have to get hundreds of Progressives to agree to use the same talking points. So that's the obstacle there.
  14. I don't see it. Remember, you are imagining reality, so if you concoct some kind of twisted scheme in your mind, that will in a sense become your reality, until you snap out of it. You could imagine three sides, one of which is a kangaroo, the other a donkey, and the other a giraffe, and if you believe it hard enough it will feel true.
  15. YOU ARE regardless of what you are or what you can or can't do. Being/existence are fundmental. The free will question adds needless complexity to the matter.
  16. Anand Giardardas has advocated for this strategy. There's wisdom to it. But it could also come off too phony if you aren't careful. The biggest problem is that it would be hard to coordinate this as a Progressives message. Progressives are like herding cats.
  17. Funny enough, if Ralston had written about God in his books I would have probably thrown them away and never finished reading them. Because I was such an athiest when I got into spirituality. Oh how the tables turn.
  18. He has higher consciousness than most humans. It's just not the highest.
  19. @Inliytened1 @Osaid Silence! Neither of you is AWAKE. You are both deeply self-deceived. You are really testing my patience. Your enlightenment is a mild form of higher consciousness. What I teach is beyond that.
  20. Of course, any new business is mountains of work. Yes, it's a job that you get to direct. Like shooting your own movie.
  21. @framu If you want the most consistent way to dose psychedelics then take them rectally. Nasal doses will be less consistent because you will lose material dripping out either end of your nose. But it's also not a problem to snort consistent doses with a bit of practice. If you start snorting foreign powders up your nose like sugar or whatever, be ware that you could damage your nose. The nose has very sensitive tissue. You can also get nasty sinus infections. I once got a very bad sinus problem from snorting a simple xylotol nasal spray. No drugs. This ruined my nose for over a year. Habitually snorting foreign stuff up your nose is not good at all.