Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. So, I finally got around to watching the documentary. Pretty clear that he was addicted to sex and pursued it shamelessly, which lead to various kinds of abusive and toxic situations. There's not much to argue about here. The only question is, can he be legally charged for any of it? What I found most interesting is that basically Russell Brand seems to have lost all of his top-tier media gigs years ago in the UK and even in Hollywood because of his toxic, wild, and unprofessional behavior. Which explains why he transitioned to Youtube. I have always wondered why such a big name celebrity is dicking around on Youtube rather than starring in large Hollywood roles. Now it makes sense. He became radioactive after #MeToo -- a legal nightmare for studios.
  2. That's certainly not how consciousness works. What I am teaching is NOT about exploring exotic experiences for shits and giggles. What I teach is about comprehension of the deepest levels of Consciousness. You don't even understand that Consciousness is capable of such things. There's no human map which explains what Consciousness can really do.
  3. I don't claim to be in any final state. That's part of the whole enlightenment/Buddhist/nondual paradigm which I reject. I reject that anyone on this planet is in any kind of top-most or final state. That's not how Consciousness works. That's exactly how it works. And sure, there's consciousness higher than what I have presently accessed. And? Would you rather reach level 1, 100, or 1000 in your life? It's easily possible since Consciousness can take on infinite kinds of states. Not just degrees, entire new kinds.
  4. Anxiety is normal, you just have to stop thinking and do it anyway. It really helps if you learn to completely shut off your mind during the approach. But this requires a lot of training. You won't be able to do it as a newbie. During approach your greatest enemy is your own mind. So shutting it down is the key.
  5. Do you understand that it usually takes an intellectual years to develop and publish ground-breaking new theory? Go look at how long it took Darwin to develop evolution.
  6. Your question is far too general to have a proper answer. It all depends on your place in the world and your situation. And there are many trade-offs. Somethings are better and some things are worse. Income inequality has gotten worse, for example. But technology has gotten so much better. The tools for making stuff are so much better: like software and hardware.
  7. Because a scientist like Penrose will himself admit that he is interested in solving these deep existential questions. It's not like I forced Penrose into this. P.S. I hate you
  8. That's not what the apology sounded like. It sounded like he was apologizing for being forceful with her.
  9. @Jodistrict How do you explain Russell's own texts apologizing to the allegedly raped girl the next day?
  10. He's not smart about the Christianity part. Just because Roger Penrose is wrong doesn't mean Christians are right. The only thing that Christians are right about, pretty much, is that God exists. The rest is their human BS.
  11. I don't have a sex trafficker shadow. I just recognize that sex trafficking is a crime and causes needless suffering. You make it sound like I'm out there hunting sex traffickers with a bow & arrow. Any decent person understands that what Andrew Tate was doing is deeply unethical and problematic, and should not be allowed in society.
  12. Seems like AI will be dominated the by big corps from the start. So that's a bad example.
  13. What I loved most about the 90s ans 00s was the rise of computers and the internet. The days before the internet was dominated by tech giants, there seemed like endless opportunity for the little guy. Many of those opportunities are gone now.
  14. It is a medical fact that gay men get HIV way more. In the US 65% of all HIV cases are from gay men.
  15. Good, but if your dose wasn't actuallt 3.5g because you had tolerance from the day before. So effectively this tolerance lowered your dose, which is probably why you had a good trip. So next time you trip keep your dose around 2g.
  16. @Peo Yes, this can happen. Next time lower your dose to 2g. A) It takes experience to learn to control your trips. B) Sometimes a trip will go sour for no good reason. C) One bad trip means nothing. It's still possible to get all the good stuff you seek from mushrooms.
  17. @Florian @Princess Arabia You two just have different perspectives. Avoid personal attacks.
  18. Even more important than ending your biases is firstly just becoming aware of them. You can also end some of them after that.
  19. There is nothing mature about letting a rapist off the hook.
  20. He didn't mask it, he legit matured and developed a lot. He wasn't into spirituality back during his raping years. He was a heroin addict. Considering how bad he used to be, I'd say he made a good recovery. Assuming he stopped the raping.
  21. That's a good point. I always assumed it would be more traumatizing if rape was from a stranger, but I'm not a girl so I don't know.