Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Awakening. There's no way around Awakening. Awakening is more fundamental than all your epistemology.
  2. You'd have to be more specific. There are many points within metaphysics to be wrong about. Of course. Of course. Recognition requires Consciousness.
  3. Dude, journalists investigate corrupt people all the time. That's their job. Especially after #MeToo. Russell Brand is just another #MeTop creep who abused his power for sex. That's all this is. Journalists will always seek to investigate powerful people who abuse their power for sex. Russell Brand is not the little guy being abused by the elite, he is the elite who abused little women and now it finally came to light. Brand is lucky that he could keep all this in the dark for so long.
  4. If you desire it then God desires it. And if you don't then God does not. What's possible is an insanely deep comprehension of God and how it dreams up reality. Of course. I never tell myself I have reached the end.
  5. The Infinite is not grasped by the human mind, it is grasped by Consciousness.
  6. Higher consciousness is not an illusion. At least not in the way you think.
  7. I'm saying Absolute comprehension is possible. That doesn't mean I have attained a permanent state of it. You don't need to reach any kind of final state, lower states are sufficient enough for human purposes, to get the gist of things. There is also the issue of comprehension of the big picture vs all the final detail and nuances. If you want all the final detail and nunaces that could take forever. But the big picture is much eaiser. I do not have consciousness of all the detail and nuance. But I have a pretty decent big picture.
  8. Consciousness is all there is. And Consciousness can fully comprehend itself. This self-comprehension is Absolute. In other words, you gain absolute clarity into what everything is. Do not muddle this matter by invoking the notion of Maya. Maya refers to the lack of self-comprehension of consciousness. God-Realization is the unraveling of Maya. This does not mean that experience stops. People here love to confuse awakened consciousness with a lack of experience or "Nothingness" or formlessness.
  9. There's nothing wrong with anything. The issue is when you cry Maya in a biased way. Which is always what happens. If I tell you to go fuck yourself, you will not view that as Maya, you will get upset and you will regard me as an evil asshole. On the one hand you guys dismiss the things I teach as Maya, on the other hand you get upset at me for not meeting your standards of spiritual niceness. So you don't see niceness as Maya. And you particupate in all the human bullshit as if it were important. All human spiritual norms and morality is the epitome of Maya.
  10. I don't know. I've never had a problem retaining girls. Maybe it's because you are being inauthentic. Maybe it's shallow or truamatized girls. Maybe it's because you don't offer much value, you don't have much success in your life and the girl doesn't see you as husband material. Maybe the sex isn't good. I think the reason I never had problems retaining girls is because I'm very unique and valuable once she gets to know me. So I recommend working on developing a nice life. Something girls can get excited to be a part of. For example, invest in sprucing up your living space so it's cool and unique. Small things like that.
  11. It's Consciousness! These Buddhists have screwed up your mind so bad. They cry "Maya" at higher consciousness but then go about caring about being a good human being or morality, or following some human guru. There's your Maya.
  12. Infinity is not just a substance or thing, it is an endless ocean of dreams. Dreams within dreams, minds within minds.
  13. Not smart to keep illicit chemicals in your car.
  14. I very much dislike Brand's politics, but he should not be penalized for them unless he violates clear YT guidelines.
  15. When is YT gonna censor materialist scientists and atheists for spreading misinformation?
  16. That's just not how it works. While there are many degrees and kind of higher consciousness, perhaps it is endless, it does not take that much consciousness to realize that you are God/Infinity. Higher infinities do not negate God, they are just deeper aspects of God. Cantor's notion of infinities only applies very loosely here. Actual Infinity is quite different from Cantor's notions.
  17. The UK gov is ridiculous here. Of course Rumble will not remove him. No. The issue is that Brand's YT content has nothing to do with sexual assault. What he did 10 years ago is not relevant to his YT channel today.
  18. @Tanz 1) But all those factors are highly relevant. 2) HIV transmits more through anal sex regardless. Sometimes stereotypes exist for good reason. If your gay friends are offended by the facts that's their problem.
  19. You can train yourself to be very relaxed and to not think as you approach. Part of it involves building up your state. Once you are very experienced at game you won't even think before talking to a girl.
  20. @Razard86 That post was venty. If only you knew the kind of vents I wrote which I never published.