Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Russell Brand's method of getting laid very much reminds me of Jeffy from RSD. I would call this style: sexual psychopath.
  2. Since you are dreaming reality, if you insist on doubting everything like a parrot then you will end up in a dream of endless doubt. That's what you, as God, will manifest for yourself unwittingly. So be careful. You become what you fill your mind with.
  3. Good. An intelligent post. Looks like God beat some sense into you.
  4. @zurew At this point nothing will help you except maybe 30mgs of 5-MeO-DMT up your ass. You can't think your way to the Absolute.
  5. I have a solution to this problem: If an academic publishes a study that cannot be replicated, we lock him in a cage with a crocodile.
  6. No. That's not what is happening when we speak of Awakening or God. It's like you're being deliberately dense. A fundamentalist is not raising his consciousness, he is just parroting dogma. There is no possibility of Awakening being wrong. How many years will it take you to understand that? If it could be wrong it wouldn't be worth anything and we wouldn't be talking about it. The problem is that you are trying to maintain modesty and hedge your bets. You cannot do that when it comes to discovery of Absolute Truth. You are too meek to actually put your balls on the chopping block. You don't have the balls to recognize your own sovereignty as a MIND. And that's why you cannot see God. You will see God when you finally realize that your MIND is Sovereign. And not before.
  7. It's cute how he cloaks himself in the anti-corpo narrative. Yes, corporations are scummy. But that does not in any way account for Russell Brand's sexual scumminess. See, in this case the BBC actually cares more about women than Russell Brand did when he worked for them. There is nothing unique about mainstream corps pushing narratives. Russell Brand and his ilk also push narratives, and often more dangerous and untruthful ones.
  8. There is no alternative to dreaming. God is an Infinite Dream. Ocassionally God opens one eye, and then goes right back to dreaming because there's no other game in town. If God is an ocean, Awakenings are like the highest waves on the surface.
  9. You are shooting yourself in the foot with all those games. You should aim to be more authentic and natural, so she is interacting with your true personality, not a facade. If you present a facade she cannot fall in love with the true you. Girls are very sensitive and even when you believe you fooled her with all your tricks and games, she probably just feels that you're an unattractive weirdo. You may be fooling yourself with your games more than you're fooling her. And work on financial success. A girl don't want to go long-term with a scrub. Make yourself into bf-material.
  10. Consciousness dreams stuff up. But the fact that consciousness dreams stuff up is not itself a dream! It's Absolute Truth. So it's only an illusion as long as you get fooled by it. If you see a hologram and recognize it as a hologram rather than a rock, then it hasn't fooled you and you recognize its nature correctly. But most people take the hologram for a rock, in which case they have fallen for an illusion. It is NOT an illusion that Consciousness comes in lower and higher degrees.
  11. That's a misuse of SD. That's not what SD models. Do not try to fit everything into the box of SD or you will get a lot of twisted crap.
  12. No, my work is irrelevant in the big picture. I will become more conscious than I was as a human, as I'm looking forward to it.
  13. @zurew Don't get me wrong. I do have a worldview on top of my consciousness. And that worldview does contain errors and biases of various kinds.
  14. The bars I go to are so packed that nobody even knows you exist. If you go to an empty bar and just stand their like a stalker, maybe they will ask you to buy something or leave. Honestly I don't game at bars, I go to clubs. Go see what you can get away with.
  15. Of course. If I order water sometimes I tip them a few dollars. This will vary depending on your location and country. I don't know what the customs are in your country.
  16. I become INFINITY, turn into a dragon, and stalk your children in their dreams.
  17. 1) Questioning is not limited. Questioning is fundamental and great. The issue is that all those other people are not seriously questioning neither reality nor their own worldview. 2) The issue of existence is too fundamental for epistemology, it's actually metaphysical. Your existence is an absolute. And of course that's because you are God. 3) Exactly! An infinite number of worldviews and dreams are possible. However, Consciousness/Awakening is not a worldview. 4) Nothing is limiting you from defending your own imagined worldviews other than your own tolerance for mental gymnastics. 5) Why are you confusing Consciousness with worldviews? You should be beyond such silliness.
  18. You don't even order water. Drink your water at home.
  19. Many things remain opaque, like for example, how to reconcile God with relative scientific truths, the nature of time, the nature of mathematics, the nature of memory, the nature of evolution, issues of cosmology like the Big Bang, etc.
  20. That's not a mistake, that's a necessity. God's existence must be a tautology. That's what makes God Absolute. It is self-contained and self-defined. It is SELF. It sure seems that way from an outsider's perspective. But the outsider is dreaming. And doesn't know it. No. I am absolutely sure that I am God and the world is my dream. That's Awakening. Humility or doubt on this point is a self-deception. God does not need to bullshit itself about itself. I don't expect to fully understand myself in the fine detail. And the big picture I already understand. But there are still details which I want to understand better, and will. You can realize you are God, but then you start wondering what more there is to Consciousness, what other tricks it has up its sleeve, and then you break through into even higher domains of God-Consciousness beyond the standard human. You never cease being God, but you discover what I would call hyper domains of God-Consciousness which can feel very alien and exotic. For example, one time I became a cartoon wolf. That doesn't mean I stopped being God. But God as a cartoon wolf is radically beyond God as a human. A human doesn't even understand that cartoon wolf consciousness exists. As God you can explore various strange kinds of God-consciousness beyond the standard human. And thia gives you deeper insight into what Consciousness really entails.