Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I am not suggesting you do psychopath game. I'm just giving context for Russell Brand's style.
  2. I thought he killed them. You can read his autobiography for the full story.
  3. @Vrubel Jeffy also has serious charm and social skills. Charm is how you get away with stuff like that. Girls are easily attracted to psychopaths and narcissists. It's a lot easier to get away with stuff like that if you are also handsome, which both of them are. If a guy is really handsome he can treat girls badly and they will be attracted even more. One of the reasons a psychopath gets away with stuff like that is because his behavior is so bold that people just go along with it. One time I heard Jeffy say, he could probably walk up to a random guy and just make out with him, and the guy would just accept it because it's so unexpected he would not know how to react and Jeffy would just steamroll him with his confidence. Psychopaths can get away with stuff like that. Jeffy would go to a club dressed in a furry costume, start dancing with a random girl, and then just whip his dick out in the middle of the dancefloor and stick it inside her while she danced. That's psychopath kinda game. Jeffy has a term for it: "the audacity of boldness". One time his friend was smuggling drugs through the airport when the police showed up with a drug dog. So he ran to greet and pet the drug dog. The dog started barking at the drugs it smelled on his body. But the cop was fooled into thinking this guy was just some dimwit playing with the dog and yanked the dog away. Warning: If you try to do this kind of stuff and you're not a psychoapth then you will probably just get arrested. A psychopath has the personality and style to pull it off. A normie doesn't.
  4. You don't even know the half of it. I know a PUA coach who wanted to install a commercial grade radar jammer into his high-rise condo to scamble girls' phones so they could not text their friends. Until he was informed that radar jamming phone signals is a serious crime. This same guy would also secretly film his coaching students having sex. Which is a crime.
  5. It was sorta stupid to push Russia to ally with China by over-expanding NATO.
  6. Most people in the world don't even have time to think about or call it truama. It's just life and they gotta get to work to feed their children, not sit there psycho-analyzing themselves and feeling sorry for themselves.
  7. When we say that Reality Is A Dream, that's a realization you can have. And it will blow your fucking mind when you finally have it. We're not talking about some theory or philosophy. You will be screaming: "OH MY GOD!!!" like you were shot in the head.
  8. He's from San Fran, not Vegas. When he was a teen his father raped his mother with a shotgun, tortured her, and killed her. He caught her cheating on him. He tortured and killed the guy too. It was a big news story back in the 90's. Jeffy turned into quite the character as a result. Jeffy has an insane autobiography which you can read called Nine Ball. It details all his crazy abusive sex adventures.
  9. He also drives what he calls his "rape van" to the club. It has a matress in it for sex. After he has sex with a new girl, he spray paints a new decal on the van door. He has like 50+ decals.
  10. As a human you are locked into a certain kind of dream. If you could un-dream stuff like gravity you would no longer be human and you would lose human sanity.
  11. @Inliytened1 There is an interesting wrinkle which may help explain some of the clashing we are having, and it is this: Since reality is a dream and imagination, you might be dreaming that psychedelics do not work in your dream world, and I may be dreaming that meditation does not work in my dream world. And we may not be able to un-dream these dreams any more than we can un-dream gravity. So be careful assuming that everyone is in the same dream as you.
  12. Many claim that consciousness has no degrees. So they certainly believe they are maxed out. I fully agree. I would say the inverse to you, but we've already had this debate elsewhere. Let's not do it again here. Believe what you will.
  13. YOU are reality and you are conscious to various degrees. Everything is consciousness but not equally conscious. Awakening requires more consciousness than non-Awakening. Otherwise there would be no point to spiritual practice. Just no. Consciousness is exactly like a light bulb. It shines in many degrees of brightness. All light is light, but not all light is equally bright. If you believe you are at max brightness you have lost yo mind.
  14. Act like a wild psychopath until you finally badger her into sex. Jeffy would do stuff like invite a girl over for the first time to his house, walk out naked, and just say, "LET'S FUCK!" And just keep saying it over and over again until she finally relented. Then spray her with a garden hose as she leaves his house.
  15. @Breakingthewall It should go without saying at this point that you will never realize God without a shift in your state of consciousness.
  16. None of this work has ever involved believing in God. Look at your own hand. That's God. It's that direct. Cut the games.
  17. @zurew The mistake in all your logic is that God-Realization is completely unlike all other epistemic claims, beliefs, or worldviews. You are assuming that you can translate epistemic lessons from the relative domain into the absolute domain, which is wrong. It is NOT a mistake that we cannot prove God to you beyond all your doubts. That's the fundamental issue here. Since you are God dreaming that you're human, you will invent all sorts of doubts and rationalizations for why no one should ever claim that they know for sure that God exists. This is the game you're playing. God is an Infinite Self-Deception. Your particular deception is to be lost in skepticism and uncertainly, forever waffling and doubting yourself. Open your mind to the possibility that uncertainty, doubt, and epistemic humility become a mistake when it comes to God-Realization. You think you are preserving integrity and truth by being uncertain, but consider, what if that's actually the source of falsehood? The funny thing about your position is that even if God himself appeared before you, you would tell him, "But how can you be sure you're God? What if you're just an arrogant, deluded, narcissistic madman?" To which the only response God could give is to sigh. You see? God himself cannot help you at that point. What you really want to achieve here is to make God uncertain about itself, to confuse God into falling back asleep, to match your own level of asleepness. But of course God is not gonna do that. And when he doesn't, you get pissy about it and you invent rationalizations for why God is wrong and you are right. THAT'S the game being played here. You need to muster enough intelligence to see it and cut through it. That's what is required for God-Realization to occur. Otherwise you stay asleep. You are underestimating how tricky this God-Realization thing is. You think you're outsmarting God but God is outsmarting you. You should notice that the biggest mistake all scientists make is that they act too cautious out of fear of falling into falsehood, and ironically this becomes the very thing that lands them into falsehood. There is a time to be uncertain and there is a time to be certain. Facing the Absolute is not the time for uncertainty.
  18. @Davino Be careful. Your theories and speculations about solipsism are not Awakening.
  19. No, Consciousness comes in degrees. Of course all degrees of Consciousness are equally true. Which is what you're really saying. But you are not equally conscious in a nightly dream as you are in normal life. This is so obvious it's hard to see how you guys dare to deny it. Oh. Well, it's not like you have a choice about that, so why bother worrying about it? Right. But also a dog doesn't mind. That's possible. Just how it feels to me. I just never worry about that sorta thing. You want at least a few days off.
  20. That IS proper game. You gotta learn to trust that girls will like you for how you are, so you don't need to work for their love. And those who don't can take a hike.
  21. It's not odd at all. 1) We are in the post-MeToo era. Culture has shifted a lot in 15 years. Journalists and activists are looking to take anyone down who abuses his power for sex. 2) The people and corporations Brand worked for back then were making tons of money off him, so they were incentivized to turn a blind eye. Now the incentives are reversed. 3) And Yes, the popularity of Brand's YT conspiracy channel does raise eyebrows with investigative journalists and activists. Anyone with that many subscribers and social media influence is going to receive extra scrutiny. Especially if he peddles dangerous narratives about Covid, election results, etc. This does not mean it's a coordinated take-down by the CIA, it's just him getting blowback from normies. What these anti-mainstream influencers fail to understand is that it is normal for normie culture to give blowback on radical perspectives. So if you want to be a radical at mass scale, you gotta be squeaky clean, because you will piss off normies and they will look for ways to reduce your influence. We are in the midst of an epic culture war. Where anything you say or do will be used against you to discredit you.
  22. I would say it the other way around: Awakening is to fall in love with the dream by recognizing that Reality Is A Dream. This is the greatest gift from God. Nobody asleep appreciates how beautiful dreaming is, because they do not recongize what they are doing as dreaming. They confuse it for material reality. Which is very lame.