Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Demon butterflies! A whiff of it. Or Beauty. God is Infinite Beauty.
  2. But you will die. So all is good. Make a habit of not worrying about things you cannot change.
  3. This has nothing to do with it. Do not muddle Consciousness with human crap. It's you who is clinging to your humanity and using that to corrupt pure Consciousness.
  4. I rarely trip in the dark. Darkness is suitable for certain psychedelics but not others. I don't see it as the same thing.
  5. Russians trapped mink for centuries to trade their fur. Moscow was built on fur trading.
  6. God's imagination. Congrats! Maybe next time it will be demons. Personally I'm a fan of demons and dragons
  7. The Sam Harris business model: selling atheism to spiritual fools. What an achievement!
  8. The mushroom is the cheat code. Physical things ARE mind. But you are right, in theory. In practice you aren't conscious enough to just get by with your mind. Sometimes you're just gonna have to kick down some doors.
  9. I can't say I have experienced no human left. That truly requires physical death in my understanding. But I've been close and it feels like your consciousness is freed up to dream anything it wants. All sorts of random and chaotic things. One time I did become conscious of an entirely new thing which I called inverse consciousness. No, I cannot describe it to you. It's nothing you can imagine.
  10. God is not merely a thing you learn. God is the dream itself. You cannot treat God as just one more piece of content within consciousness. God is consciousness itself. Of course your ideas about God are content within consciousness. But even so, those ideas can still be valid and useful so there's nothing technically wrong with that. As long as you don't lose track of God itself. Ideas can either help you keep track of God or lose track of God. So not all ideas are equal in that regard.
  11. It's still not the highest consciousness. There's only so much consciousness a human can take without it causing you serious mental and physical problems. A human is just not designed to be that conscious. It's like using a cheat code in a video game. That's still not the same thing as the freedom that a game programmer has.
  12. "God mode" as a human is still quite limited in what you can imagine. For full God mode you'd need to physically die first. Your human life prevents full God mode. Also, in my experience what you imagine interferes and conflicts, so imagining everything at once doesn't work. Dreams exclude other dreams. States exclude other states. You can't be hungry and full at the same time. You can't be drunk and sober at the same time.
  13. Have you ever fucked in a dream? It feels totally real. Last night I had a dream of aliens surgically implanting tracking devices into my arm and leg. It felt so real I woke up freaked out. The material world is as imaginary as the sleeping world. Just more vivid and stable.
  14. The higher degree of consciousness you reach, the more physical reality will melt before your eyes into a liquid mindscape. Higher consciousness is liquid, lower consciousness is solid. If you become conscious enough, your couch can literally melt into a talking dragon. This is a good example of what I mean by "higher consciousness". You ain't really conscious until you start seeing dragons. One time I became so conscious I started seeing dragons and demons crawling between the gaps in empty space. That's when things get interesting. That's when you really start to understand CONSCIOUSNESS.
  15. This is incorrect logic. In a video game, the world still has rules even though all objects are virtual. In a video game a mushroom can make you double in size. How can a virtual mushroom have so much power? Why can't a video game character just do whatever the hell he wants in a video game world if the world is virtual?
  16. That's good. You got that part. Your mind is creating that couch. Couch is Creation. If your mind was not creating that couch you could not see it. You are on the right track, but you would benefit from a deeper realization of imagination, mind, and God. This is a good example of where Awakening can deepen, even though you already got a good whiff of it.
  17. @Breakingthewall Imaginary doesn't mean unreal, imaginary = reality. Your hands are imaginary. You are dreaming them. And that is reality. A mind is imagining a world around itself. Physical objects are just a denser kind of imagination than the images in your head. Don't forget, the images in your head are real. So don't hold imagination as something unreal. Imagination is real. The way a human imagines a picture in his mind is directly analogous to how God imagines the physical walls of your house. This is what is being pointed to. Practically what this means is that if you become conscious enough your couch can turn into a dragon. Because the couch was always imaginary. Very few humans understand that this is possible. Even "enlightened" people may not understand this point. So the question is, do you understand that your couch is imaginary?
  18. That was just one example. That doesn't mean that's his whole game. You guys are being too black & white about this. No one is claiming that Russell Brand is whipping out his dick and raping every women he sees in the street. When I tell you some extreme stories these are exceptional cases, not the norm. Just like Russell Brand whipping out his dick in public is an exceptional case. That's not a proper understanding of his game.
  19. You should go to the bar and stand in the corner sipping your Capri Sun.
  20. Jeffy's game doesn't work by being a dick. It works by being very charming, extroverted, fun, and bold. If you met Jeffy in real life, as I have, you'd see he's a fun, charming guy. Less creepy than 90% of guys here.