Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Online universities have been scamming people since the dawn of the internet. So nothing really new here. With that said, creating a high quality online university is a great idea. It's just that I wouldn't trust JP to do it. He's gonna introduce a lot of his biases into it. But, in theory, it's a good idea. It just needs to be done properly, in an unbiased manner. Sage University here we come! The trouble with running a university is that it comes with so much bureaucracy, red tape, administrative group-think, and political games. Especially if it's gonna be big enough to rival a real university. So you're gonna have many of the same problems.
  2. Biden don't get no respect. Everyone's busy acting like children.
  3. No they won't. You are God and this discussion is nonsense.
  4. The only difference is that Awakening is a totally new, different state of consciousness from what you're used to. Your mistake is that you're not changing your state of consciousness. You're stuck in a low state of consciousness trying to understand higher states of consciousness theoretically, which is impossible.
  5. Except Awakening does exist. Stop assuming that it's final.
  6. Obviously I make assumptions about your culture being similar to mine (American/Western Democracy) and I also have cultural biases in some of my advice. This is especially true for something like dating advice. However, my deepest spiritual teachings are pretty universal in that they seek to transcend all culture. Never apply my advice blindly. You must use your own intelligence to see if the advice suits your unique situation. Just because I say something doesn't mean it will suit you.
  7. @TheAlchemist When I send one of my demons after you, you will not escape so easy
  8. I meant to say, you are in the wrong place. Believe whatever you want, but this forum is about a different kind of spirituality. Go be among your own kind.
  9. I wouldn't take it too literally.
  10. As I said, this is a good lesson for you guys.
  11. @Jodistrict If I hit him in the head with a baseball bat he will suffer. Just trust me on this one.
  12. I'm not gonna die, I'm gonna metamorphosize into an alien consciousness.
  13. Randomness is just human ignorance. Nothing about God is random.
  14. Opposite for me. Psychedelics improved my social ability more than anything else. But now I have no desire to socialize.
  15. This was just a temporary state. He can't keep that up for long.