Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. A serious Christian mystic can have some legit insights and revelations. However they are still not reaching God-Realization and their minds are deluded with limited, exclusive Christian dogma and doctrine. They are stuck in a Christian hallucination, even with their awakenings.
  2. That's fine. That just has nothing to do with our work here. You guys are free to pursue whatever kind of spirituality you want. Just don't expect me to teach or endorse that kind of stuff.
  3. Maybe. I don't know. He's been getting more and more biased lately. He's waging a religious crusade at this point against the Left. But he's not gonna be teaching all the courses himself. But who knows what kind of ideologues professors he will recruit. I'm guessing he will recruit some fringe right-wing type professors. But I really can't judge it until I see some of the courses. We'll see soon enough. I'm sure snippets of it will be all over YT soon.
  4. Those capable people became capable because they were trained by the US. You think Ukrainians by themselves would be any more capable than Russians? Why? It is beneficial in the sense that it stops Ukraine from entering NATO. Putin was never going to allow that. This was not really a war of choice for Putin. Americans keep mistakenly thinking that it was. Of course it is. Not exclusively. Obviously the Euro countries benefit too. It is a tool for Western hegemony. Which is why Putin is so opposed to it.
  5. I have no interest in any form of human spiritual teachings because they are all corrupt and illusory. What you're doing is creating a fantasy which will keep you from God-Realization. That's fine. But that's not what I am interested in or what I teach.
  6. That is the game he plays. God is an infinite regress. Nothing dualistic about it. This work has never promised to fix people's psychosis. There are a lot of people on the internet with very messed up minds. I cannot even begin to understand how their minds work and what sorts of insane things they think, believe, and do. Nor what will help them.
  7. @KatiesKarma You were never in a position to do this work because you suffered from serious mental disorder / neuro-divergence. This work is about deconstructing reality and having direct consciousness of how you create reality. Obviously do whatever you feel works for you. But the Bible is not what this work is about. This Bible is a set of human-invented stories and beliefs.
  8. 1) Ukraine = US+NATO proxy. So it's not so little. What count is funding. 2) This war has exposed weaknesses within Russia's military, which Putin now has a chance to remedy. So this war is helping to drive improvements for Russia. Part of the reasons countries go to war is just to test their own military and make improvements for the future.
  9. Twitter is not a good measure of JP's work. You should not be evaluating anyone based on their Twitter.
  10. The US budget is 10x larger. And Russia is not supposed to be beating the US in a hot war. You are comparing apples and oranges.
  11. I am not going to spend months of my life reading and rebutting your gaslighting me about God and Awakening. You do not understand what I teach. And you are here not to learn but to spread your limited consciousness.
  12. Because Trump is a moron and Putin is a genius. Putin makes Russia strong while Trump makes America weak. This has nothing to do with me supporting Putin's war. Serious geopolitics is a play here. And Trump is too dumb to even belong in the same conversation. The standards for American and Russian politics are also very different. Russia is in a different developmental stage and survival situation.
  13. As I told you, your human logic does not apply to God-Realization. All your ideas about it are wrong. God-Realization cannot be undermined by anything. It's Absolute. You can however realize it deeper, broader, and more clearly.
  14. @Water by the River You are getting close to a ban.
  15. You are not seeing their motivations deeply enough. Greens are overly-sensitive to all kinds of small things which they perceive as leading to intollerance and bullying. When someone says they don't support homosexuality Green sees that as a slippery slope for homophobia. Yes, "Asians are hardworking" is objectionable because with that one usually also comes, "Blacks are low IQ criminals". What you today consider "petty things" lead to the deaths of many gay and black people just 50 years ago. Bullying and intolerance is a not just individual bad actors, it's a culture. Which is Green's purpose to fight.
  16. God/Infinity is never contradicted. What happens is you realize God ever more deeply, and you realize more nuanced facets of God. It doesn't contradict it. It's just a deeper, more nuanced understanding of what God entails. First you realize God. Then the question still remains What is God? There are many layers to what God is, which you can keep unraveling. God can also manifest itself in 100s of different ways. You can undertake a deep study of God, just like you can spend years dissecting a frog in a lab. The frog will always be a frog, but you can gain a lot of new insight into the frog, looking at it from various angles. Until eventually you develop a very deep understanding of frogs.
  17. @Scholar Why conflate the job loss issue with education? There is no alternative to education. The changing job market will have to be addressed through political means.
  18. Your mind is capable of empathy and moral judgment. That's where your ethics come from.
  19. There will always be a need for well-educated people. Jobs requiring high education are never going away. All this AI stuff is vastly overhyped. Don't get carried away with it.
  20. This is the Mean Green Meme as Wilber calls it. Greens are intolerant of intolerance and bullying. Nothing surprising about this. Green is not aware of all the lower stages. If it were, it would be Yellow.
  21. It's not good if it's gonna be overly ideological. Like PragerU. It has to be actual education vs propaganda.
  22. Listening to them describe it, it doesn't sound too bad. Everything will hinge on the execution and quality of the profressors.
  23. 1) You are misapplying Godel's theorem. Godel points to Infinity. Awakening is Infinity. 2) Truth is not any state of consciousness, it is all states of consciousness. I'm cognizant of Truth at any time I want because it makes no difference what state I'm in.
  24. Don't forget: Twitter Asshattery 101 Climate Denial 101 Jesus Smuggling 101 Kermit Vocals 101 How To Monetize Liberal Outrage 101 Custom Comic Book Villain Suits 101