Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Every girl just wants to be sex trafficked into webcamming.
  2. God is Infinite Intelligence and it is the only creative force. So there is even a lot of intelligence behind your stupidity.
  3. Be very careful. You could really screw up your life that way and kill yourself.
  4. Omg that's so stupid. Cenk couldn't win his own local district. The guy is getting a bigger ego than Trump. Cenk is such an attention whore.
  5. Average people are bad for Actualized.org
  6. @Jehovah increases Be careful. If you get 20 warning points total you are auto-banned.
  7. Sometimes a girl is truly not in the mood to talk to anyone, in which case you let her be. But most times that's not the case and you can start a friendly conversation. Observational openers are some of the best. In this case you could have opened with, "Hmmm.... it looks like you're studying quantum mechanics and could use a break."
  8. No, you don't need to pretend that. You can just adopt a more social, playful frame. Observe how extroverts start and engage in conservation. They do it from a social frame, not a "will you date me frame?" This is an area of weakness for me too, but at least I know the difference.
  9. Oh god. People are gonna be making weird VR avatars of themselves and we are all gonna have to put up with it. It's gonna be like MySpace for your face.
  10. It's more like studying an Infinite Chameleon, who happens to be yourself.
  11. Russians are shooting their own soldiers if they don't charge the front line as cannon-fodder. The Wagner soldiers staged a mutiny against Putin. Obviously Ukraine has higher morale because they have the moral high ground and they are defending their homes and families.
  12. If you guys are just looking for basic college ed classes by top-notch professors on the cheap in video format, that already exists: https://www.thegreatcourses.com It will takes Peterson over a decade to generate as many courses as the above already has.
  13. Of course there is a natural advantage to fighting for defense of your home and life. Defensive forces always have the home-team advantage. And yes, Ukraine has much better morale than the Russians. But that doesn't address the issue of training, competency, and weapon supplies. Putin is a genius but that doesn't mean he can't miscalculate or make some strategic or tactical mistakes. Even a genius makes some mistakes.
  14. The professors in a mid-tier university are all gonna be pretty good. Lack of quality professors is not something universities suffer from. It's not like universities are not screening their professors rigorously. It's very hard to get a job at any mid-tier or higher university. You gotta be really good.
  15. You should immediately notice the problem here: it's way too direct, which makes it feel awkward and cringey. You gotta be more subtle and social about it. If you just directly bulldoze a girl like that she will play along with you, but you will end up with a useless number.
  16. I don't see the point. Anyone who has access to Nebula has access to YT. I'm not gonna make exclusive content for Nebula. Whatever they pay will not be worth it.
  17. Yes. I've considered it more than all of you have. Which is why I transcended into alien consciousness and none of you even knows what that is.