Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Cause he's a selfish nationalist. Not everything is. Russia accepts plenty of "Western" stuff. Just not the whole neoliberal worldview. I said Putin is strong. But like all strongmen, he's also weak. That's the paradox of strongmen. If he was truly strong he wouldn't have had a mutiny to begin with and he wouldn't be so paranoid that he sits 30ft away from everybody.
  2. @Bobby_2021 Wait till you reach the Alien Mind stage. Now that's magical.
  3. "Out beyond the finite there is the infinite. I'll meet you there." -- Godel's Incompleteness Theorem
  4. Sure, a bit. But the US is a grand master at that.
  5. That is tricky. But also, how do you know when to listen to your thoughts and when not to listen? That's just as tricky.
  6. It's simply a strategic threat which cannot be allowed. Think of it also like a slap in the face. Large countries like the US, Russia, and China do not just operate on direct suffering caused to them, they must also consider growing long-term strategic threats. And even disrepect. If Russia made an alliance with Cuba and built missile silos there and sent military arms there, the US would lose its shit. So watch out for that self-bias and double standards. The US has no qualms invading other countries who don't even pose a direct threat to it, like Iraq. Direct suffering is way too high a bar for geopolitics. Because when it gets that far it's already too late to do anything about it. So everything is about premeption. But also, Ukraine going West is a direct attack on Russian history, culture, and Putin's regime. Putin cannot allow Western values to infect Russian culture. This is what Americans simply don't fathom. Putin is fighting to defend a non-Western value system. And all Americans know how to do is push their values on everyone else. Americans cannot even fathom alternative value systems. Americans are too self-biased to even understand why this war exists. Fundamentally, America wants a unipolar world with itself as the pole. Russia and China want a multipolar world. That's what this war is really about.
  7. I'm tried them but can't tell if they do anything.
  8. 5-MeO does not increase heart rate or reduce breathing on me. I think the issue is simply that people panic and overreact psychologically. You can learn to trip on 5-MeO very calmly. The best thing to do is just to relax very deep and don't panic. It's key to learn to calm yourself down if the trip gets very intense. Most people would panic at that point.
  9. I talked about hallucination a lot in my interview with Curt Jaimungal on his TOE channel. I've certainly used that term, but I should use it more!
  10. Your endless illusions and human BS does not strengthen me. But nice try.
  11. I use dream and hallucination to refer to the same thing. I'm just giving you alternative perspectives on God. You can call it that too. Just alternative poetic descriptions. I find all 3 of them beautiful so I use them. I like hallucination because nobody else phrases it that way.
  12. Enlightenment is much deeper than a paradigm. It's a hallucination.
  13. You can try to talk to S and offer to strike a bargain with him where you two agree to stay out of each other's way and then you will tell your family you back off. You and S should try to negotiate some rules of engagement and behavior. You should brainstorm what you want these rules to be before you talk to S.
  14. So clearly you can sleep. Try to analyze why you are able to sleep with someone else.
  15. @Matthi This is an opportunity for you to grow socially, to learn to be comfortable around other people. That is necessary for your future regardless. Try this exercise: go deliberately be around other people, and when that happens, consciously try to relax your body and mind. Don't think about anything, don't tense your body, and just be at ease as other people are around you. And keep doing that. You don't even have to talk to them. If they talk to you, you can tell them that you just want some space to relax and meditate.
  16. Sorry to hear that. You need to work on making yourself independent of them financially.
  17. @Shodburrito No one is forcing you to pursue God. If you don't care about God, then go live your human life. You will suffer regardless. The issue of God is the most radical thing there is. It is not suitable for most people.
  18. Where would those others exist? Only in your Mind.
  19. @Shodburrito You are looking at all this very selfishly. Your human concerns are irrelevant to God. God is an Infinite Consciousness. It's only concern is to dream, not your petty personal problems. God is busy figuring out how to dreaming the Holocaust and you are sitting here whining.
  20. I mean THIS. I have access to unlimited intelligence. Unfortunately this requires some very deep Awakening. That's what keeps you alive. You are not supposed to be unbiased as a human. God is an Infinite Dream. It cannot change itself. God is too profound to explain itself to you.
  21. If it wasn't alone it wouldn't have unlimited power and therefore could not create itself.
  22. @Shodburrito The problem in your logic is that you're not conscious enough to know what the highest Good is.