Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Don't do that. Ethics! Not abuse girls. I am not here to train monsters.
  2. @Argonaut Yes, you could kill yourself. Do whatever you want. If you want to be a frog, be a frog. Most folks here choose to be spiritual rats.
  3. I'm a believer in finding the best fitting chem.
  4. You need to engage in humor and playful, emotionally stimulating conversation with a girl. Logical talk is your enemy. Of course many girls will reject you. Don't worry too much about that. Not all girls are available and not all girls will like you.
  5. Just wanted to clarify, my position on the issue of randomness is not absolute. So I could be wrong. Decide for yourselves.
  6. This forum is not a lecture. I throw out random insights and tips.
  7. If you are batshit crazy, then maybe.
  8. Do you have a dick or not? Do I need to tell you what dicks are for?
  9. What is there to explain? You got another human to talk to. You can't give that to yourself.
  10. Let a few days pass. Then send her a funny pic. And propose another date. Keep your texting light. Nothing serious or high demand. If she says she's busy, give her space without being demanding. You can gauge how eagerly she replies to your texts. If she's responsive then you can text more. If she's slow to respond then you keep it very light and sporadic.
  11. @Yimpa You hallucinate every night in your sleep.
  12. I don't like the LSD bodyload. Other psychedelics are better for me. But this will vary from person to person. You gotta find what fits you.
  13. You can't give yourself what a relationship can give you. You can of course live well without a relationship by focusing your attention on other things. Also, don't take this too far. You do not need to be anywhere perfect for a girl to want you. Girls fall for undeveloped guys all the time. Just don't spook her off before sex by acting desperate.
  14. No, I think they are precieved that way by selfish, desperate men.
  15. Everyone creates their own personal reality bubble by reinforcing certain beliefs and meanings in their minds. A devout Christian has so brainwaahed himself that he lives in a Christian reality.
  16. @Reignforest Okay
  17. I said that understanding is beyond conceptual, and that concepts can be used to access absolute kinds of understanding.
  18. No. Look, dude, you've been consuming too much New Age theory.
  19. She is giving you her pussy. The most important thing she's got. (I don't mean important to you. I mean important to her!) That's the challenge. What you can do is curb your neediness and bite your tongue. As a newbie the less you say the better. Don't text girls unless absolutely necessary. You are shooting yourself in the foot with all your tongue flapping. Limit your texts to setting up dates. And never get needy with her over text. Don't demand anything from her.
  20. There is alien wetness which no human mule will ever know.