Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. There are multiple ways to interpret what I said. Think about it deeper. Humans ascribe randonenss to things they don't understand.
  2. Namaste motherfucker.
  3. That's the issue. If you don't create meaning you won't have any.
  4. One time I bumped into the 75th top rated female tennis player in the world and we went on a date. She was smokin hot.
  5. That kind of authoritarian hard-ass approach just doesn't work in a social space. You have to keep in mind the inherent limitations of a forum.
  6. Actually I was refering to ontological randomness. My best guess is that not one atom in the Universe is truly random. Humans just don't understand things well enough to know why that atom needs to be where it is and not elsewhere.
  7. Prolly cause he's such a douche. But still not as big a douche as Matt Gaetz. What's amazing about the GOP is how many tiers of douchebaggery they have. Like tiers in Hell. Mitt Romney was the best of them. But he's leaving. Which shows you just how bad it's gotten.
  8. Don't be so defeatist. There are some serious people here. Of course super hardcore people are rare in any domain. This forum is just a place to share ideas and get some sense of like-minded community. It's not a replacement for your work.
  9. Yes. Just don't do anything too harmful to others. Make a distinction between major devilry and minor devilry.
  10. Yeah, I've been feelin it. That's why I call people spiritual rats.
  11. Have you been pursuing your passions and building a meaningful life?
  12. Cyber security is a very lucrative field that seems right up your alley. There's stuff like white-hat hacking.
  13. No. Awakening is a function of your state of consciousness. Are you conscious that you are imagining the world? Then you are Awake. Otherwise not.
  14. This will not do. Find something you're passionate about.
  15. Of course. Don't judge the people in bars and clubs. They are normal people, not some special class. You will meet all sorts of interesting and amazing people if you go out a lot. One time I bumped into Tony Robbins' copyrighter and we went on a date.
  16. Ralston's definition of happiness is so broad that it is virtually useless. He expects you to be "happy" even if you get attacked by a bear. Okay, good luck with that. Let us know how it goes. The reality is that none of you will live up to this absurd ideal.
  17. The proper analogy is light. You are a firefly and I am the sun
  18. AcidGoofy got a name change. Don't ask me for name changes, it took him 4 months to get it.
  19. Yes you can. Unless you convince yourself you can't. Water is a bad analogy.
  20. Showing interest is fine. Being over-invested is different. All girls. But the more options the girl has, the more of an issue it becomes. You should not be over-investing in any girls on principle. The key is not to invest more than her. If she invests a lot you can match but don't exceed it. You need to not over-invest. That's not what I said. I usually talk to one girl at a time. And it still applies. You can learn to not over-invest even if you are talking to 1 girl. You still want to not exceed her investment. If a girl senses that she is the prize then she will lose attraction for you. She wants you to be the prize. Let girls chase you. Don't chase them. This is the best strategy. You can still get laid if you fail to follow the best strategy, but you are lowering your odds. There's really no reason not to follow the best strategy other than that you don't know it or don't know how to control yourself. You will lose lots of girls by failing to stick to the best strategy.
  21. The mistake is seeking happiness at all. Rather than seeking happiness, just live the kind of life you find most meaningful and deep, and stop worrying happiness. Happiness will come and go like clouds in the sky. Spiritual and self-help teachers have sold you a happiness wild goose chase. Just do the things in life that interest you the most, which you are passionate about. What you're after is not happiness but more like a challenging, meaningful life. A meaningful life is not easy -- it will come with suffering and frustrations. But it will be rewarding. You need to be very careful with these spiritual fantasies of happiness that you've been sold. They will ruin your life.
  22. You can learn speed-reading. I have a book on my book list that teaches it. I learned it a long time ago, but it was so not enjoyable that I soon dropped it. Reading too much is actually not good for you. What's much more important is to contemplate. You want to aim for quality over quantity.