Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @Scholar I will throw dice at your head. Maybe it will randomly make you smarter.
  2. Moving to the right place is the #1 thing you can do to improve your results. I have a friend who lives in downtown Poland in the best skyscraper in town and just walks down to pick up girls from the street. He sleeps with 2 new girls every week.
  3. Curt's problem is that he's too nice! Haha! All that niceness will get you deluded, not Awake.
  4. @zurew This is was far too serious for epistemology. This issue was life and death, which means raw survival. None of your philosophy matters when things get life and death. Everybody stabs each other in the heart with pitchforks. There's your epistemology.
  5. Wut? If you can generate a mathematical way to get novel information out of noise that would be like a Nobel prize level of scientific breakthrough. The prize is there to show you how difficult it is. No such method has ever been demonstrated. Yet it is just assumed to exist by blind faith in DNA. No one has ever shown that you can create meaningful DNA thru noise. If you can do it you will win $10M and advance mankind.
  6. Michael Beckwith. There are progressive, very open preachers. Even the new Pope leans pretty Green. He's quite progressive on social issues and he criticizes capitalism and homophobia. Green Christians tend to be multi-denominational, even inviting Buddhists to their churches to give talks.
  7. 1) I would deny that noise is actually random. 2) Noise destroys information. So you got a serious problem explaining how noise creates new useful functions in DNA. There exists a $10 million dollar prize if you can demonstrate how noise can be used to generate new information. Noise has never been shown to generate new information, noise destroys information. This is standard information theory. 3) Just because you add noise to a system to make it less rigid and less predictable does not mean that randomness is the mechanism that generates novelty.
  8. Exact saying was: "That was silly." Note to self: Think twice before calling Bernardo an idealist rat. He might cry.
  9. It is reasonable to err on the side of caution when it comes to a highly contagious novel virus. Why is the citizenry so stupid?
  10. Buddhism is Blue in the Asian countries where it is a proper religion. In the West Buddhism is more like Green and not even a religion but a New Age philosophy. Don't forget, there is also Green Christianity. Not all Christians are Blue.
  11. You misunderstand my advice. I do not tell guys to give 0 shits about girls. Not at all. Low initial investment does not mean treating women badly. The girls themselves do not want your high investment. It creeps them out and makes you look pathetic and unattractive. None of my dating advice should be interpreted to mean treating girls badly or manipulating them to be your sex objects. As I have said, you must adhere to ethics when dating, and you must have empathy for the girl and care about her suffering. I have criticized pickup culture strongly for not adhering to the above standard. If anything your doing is causing serious harm and suffering to girls, then you are not following my dating advice. You are being selfish.
  12. @centurysets I'm just teasing. You do you.
  13. @centurysets You can make your life really interesting by supporting Jeffery Epstein too
  14. @centurysets I see. Good luck! Just keep in mind that a website is not a life purpose per se.
  15. High praise!
  16. Cheers! So what is your life purpose?
  17. Best description of science I've ever heard.
  18. He should have said: "How dare you! You physicalist rat!"
  19. You're getting lost in human invented crap. Throw all that away and focus on exploring Consciousness. Consciousness is Absolute Truth, and from it derives everything wholesome, healthy, and good. Science is not objective, science is a human invention and it will never capture Consciousness.