Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. That is a factor with the most radical ones. But the settlements are radicalizing the moderates to hate Israel. Both sides add fuel to the fire, one after another.
  2. The situation in Palestine is unique and shouldn't be compared to Tibet.
  3. Of course. Israeli settlement expansion fuels terrorists.
  4. This is def not a false flag. Don't start with that.
  5. I would not worry much about that. I get that teeth thing on LSD. The nerves in the teeth can become extra sensitive. Serious things to watch out for is if your body starts bruising, bleeding, aching, heart pain, or headaches. Then discontinue use. It looks like plugging is not very effective for you because you have natural tolerance to it. In which case vaping is the way to go. You don't want to waste a bunch of chem via plugging if you have tolerance. Some people are natutally tolerant to plugging, others are not.
  6. You are posting a lot of empty questions without showing that you are actually contemplating or doing any work on your end. No one here is going to convince you of anything. And answers to such questions cannot be made into beliefs. If you keep doing this your posts will be locked.
  7. You could permanently damage your body if you take a lot of psychedelics. The damage could be from your body not being able to handle so much, or it could come from you behaving in reckless ways or making poor decisions while high. I have experienced a bit of both. If you take psychedelics daily for extended periods of time, you will start to lose yourself and start making poor decisions which could destroy your life.
  8. When you guys doubt or deny Awakening, that is self-deception. Awakening is the realization of the Absolute nature of Consciousness.
  9. No. It is the consciousness of what consciousness is.
  10. That is superstition. After Awakening you will see all that religious belief as silly, misguided nonsense, designed by sleeping people. Awakening is about direct consciousness of reality, not about beliefs in human made myths. Worshipping people or deities in antithetical to this work.
  11. Bernardo is a mature person though, judging from all his other talks. I wouldn't make too much of this. Just some silly internet drama.
  12. Yes, of course. It doesn't matter how much you have your shit together, if you do not socialize or don't know how to socialize, you will never get laid. Pickup is important in that it forces you to learn to socialize. People who are extroverts or who are naturally social cannot understand such problems. Also, if you live in the wrong areas getting laid will be very difficult. You need to move to where great socialization exists. It doesn't exist everywhere.
  13. Danger is very real. You could damage yourself and end up with a lot of suffering and regret.
  14. I don't know of anyone who understands time except me. And my understanding of it is still incomplete.
  15. Yeah, ego-death is not a good phrasing. Universal Self is much better.
  16. Science does not understand what time is.
  17. All your survival problems remain. The only thing that changes is that you become conscious of God.
  18. @TheGod Be careful not to overdo it. Too many days of 5-MeO can start to get dangerous.
  19. I can be considered black in my wolf form.
  20. The issue of psychedelics affecting people differently.
  21. There exists a higher level of consciousness at which you clearly realize that you are God. This is not a word game nor a concept.