Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. When I take 5-MeO it does not result in blankness or emptiness. My senses remain fully entact. It is the highest joy. But then again, I love truth and most people seem not to.
  2. I checked, US military aid to Israel is around $3.5 billion, which is about 20% of Israel's military budget.
  3. Fun and socialization. Girls are always socializing. And the sex comes from that spontaneously for them. They don't plan it.
  4. When you live in a house on some land, you will be obessed with it regardless of how many Muslim majority countries there are in the world. That is a mere abstraction while your house is your house. Jews are also obsessed with that small land for similar fundamentalist reasons. Muslims have all kinda mosques there.
  5. @Azote You are welcome to stand in the way. Just don't be surprised if someone throws you out of a window.
  6. You can't know. But you can simply desire truth. The problem is that you're looking for a guaranteed reward for loving truth. But that's not a true love of truth. True love of truth means that you don't care if there is a reward or not. Truth is your reward. The only problem here is that people aren't intelligent enough to love truth for its own sake. And frankly such people don't deserve to Awaken. Awakening is the reward God made for those who truly love truth. I find it insulting to even explain to someone why he should love truth.
  7. Most girls aren't looking for a ONS. But they can be seduced into it with good game.
  8. US is gonna think long and hard before invading someone with nuke. Like North Korea.
  9. By that logic most people need a lot of work to get their shit together.
  10. But why not? What is lost if other people aren't true? Why want other people if they are false? In this work you are rewarded for trusting in truth.
  11. Focus your attention on the pursuit of Truth, and then whatever it happens to be will be good. Why aren't you curious about what is true? Why do you need it to be some way you want? Don't you see that whatever is true is what's Good! And whatever is good but isn't true is bad.
  12. Not really. It seems that way to guys who are bad with women.
  13. Iran having a nuke doesn't change anything. They are not suicidal. There would be no point in using it. All the nuke does is prevent the US from invading you.
  14. 5-MeO can certainly look like that. Vape a bit and it should hit you immediately.
  15. Yeah, well, Netanyahu ain't on board for that. He wants to weasle out more land.
  16. 1) Where are the Palestinians supposed to go? 2) Not every ethnic group gets a homeland. 3) Jews already have a homeland. The issue is them expanding into someone else's homeland. Jews losing all their land is not even on the table.
  17. Because it's what's true. Some things may fall into place and others may not. Maybe a rocket falls on your head.
  18. There's the rub. Who says it's theirs? A perfect example of relativity in action.
  19. Yes, although I think Israel is much more captured by religious fundamentalists than the US.
  20. @Hardkill They also got lots of orthodox religious fundamentalists and nationalism.
  21. Even if they don't, you can't assume that progress is linear. So it doesn't really matter what the history was. Today is unique.
  22. When I realized Absolute Truth as the highest level, I realized that I am completely powerless to change anything. You are trying to manipulate but instead what you get is total surrender.