Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I speak from my own personal consciousness, which I cannot impart to you. So from your POV it's all just opinions and hearsay. From my POV is something else.
  2. Can you imagine being at that music festival tripping balls on LSD when these Hamas devils fly in on paragliders and start shooting at you, screaming Allahu Akbar!
  3. You can't stop poor people from fucking.
  4. That's my point. It is not easy to determine the consciousness level of others. And just because I tell you my opinion about someone doesn't make it true.
  5. I'm not gonna do that. Focus on your own consciousness rather than speculating about the consciousness of others.
  6. Of course there is not going to be any solution there now other than a decade of war.
  7. People in US were also not developed enough to handle 9/11 properly.
  8. Oh gawd, don't start with the good vs evil talk.
  9. I have, but it's hard to tell how "real" they are. A lot of these people are also full of New Age BS.
  10. As I said, some people are born with mystical abilities and states of consciousness. There are thousands of such people around the world. Teal Swan in one example.
  11. You can easily find channelers and clarivoyant healers and so on. These people have some kind of altered state of consciousness from birth, they tend to be very spiritually intuitive and gifted, but they are not conscious that they are God. These are people like Teal Swan. They relate to God as other, as a higher power. They can have legit spiritual insight, wisdom, and paranormal powers, but none of that is God-Realization. Muhammad was a gifted, intuitive channeler. He was not like Ramana Maharshi. Frankly, Jesus too was probably more like Muhammad than Ramana Maharshi. Of course we will never know for sure, these are just best guesses. Don't get hung up on this.
  12. That guy's BSing, but try negotiating peace with the far-right Zionists in the Knesset like Ben-Gvir. The guy personally lives in an illegal settlement and had a portrait of a Zionist terrorist hanging in his house.
  13. Mohammad was a tribal political leader in addition to a mystic. Mohammad was not really Awakened, he was a mystical channeler, which is different. I have met very mystically gifted spritual people but they were not Awake. Don't confuse the two.
  14. This cannot be assumed. Explain how to randomly get a light-sensitive anything.
  15. What does this gotta do with women? Just one cranky hag venting her bias.
  16. @TheEnigma Dude, what do you expect. Big cities are expensive everywhere.
  17. Those are BS misleading numbers. China is NOT the #1 world economy. Here's the truth: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/Ny.Gdp.Mktp.Cd?most_recent_value_desc=true Do not spread misinformation on this forum.
  18. Who knows? There are thousands of factors. A major factor is that the US has a large fundamentalist Christian population which holds us back. Countries like Norway are rich from sales of oil and they have a small population to support.
  19. Some countries are more developed thanks to more favorable historical and geographic conditions. It's like you're assuming that everyone faces the same obstacles to development. No. The US is more developed than most places precisely because of geographic and historical factors.
  20. Because my interests are elsewhere now.
  21. No amount of good media is gonna solve this war.
  22. @Nabd I know he uses the term Communism in a playful way and means globalism. But even so, calling it Communism is a really bad move. That would be like if I called my stage Yellow solution to capitalism Nazism. Let's be Nazis, but minus all the bad stuff that Nazis did. He is too far up his own ass with the Communism references. Communism was an utter disaster of an ideology and should never be spoken of again.
  23. This is so stupid tho. Communism is not an alternative to capitalism. It is a ridiculous dead end. It is easier to solve the Israeli-Palestine problem than to understand Lacan.