Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. You have to be careful with content you get from psychedelic trips and visions. It's easy to delude yourself. You could get an idea like Dogecoin is going to the moon because God told you so, then you invest all your money in Dogecoin and lose your pants. This is the most likely outcome, not that you will corner the market.
  2. It's not a double standard at all. It's a mystical experience.
  3. I admit it would be interesting to hear JP asked point-blank about it, just to see him stumble around and wax on about archetypes, metaphors, mythology, etc.
  4. When you are tripping you should not even be texting, nevermind stock trading.
  5. But the settlements are preventing a peace settlement, leaving things in an endless armed conflict.
  6. Your moral calculations must factor in 50 years of illegal settlements.
  7. I know about his mystical experience. It isn't Awakening and he doesn't really understand it, and it doesn't mean he understand even classical Buddhist enlightenment, nevermind what I call God-Realization. There are hundreds of mystical experiences one could have. And they need to proper understood and contextualized.
  8. But he had a lifetime career in politics with massive name recognition and political connections. I was asked a different question. He also got quite lucky that he was up against a depraved narccisitic lunatic in the middle of a pandemic.
  9. No! No! No! You will lose all your money. Extremely dangerous. You need to be very sober and grounded for that.
  10. Except notice how both sides immediately turn to morality and try to plead morality and gain sympathy and support from the outside world after each action. So clearly it's a big factor. If all you want is endless war then morality doesn't matter. But if you want a chance at a peace settlement then it does matter. How you treat your enemy matters in many nuanced and far-reaching ways. I like that! Very clever. Thanks for sharing. Charisma is pretty important. It takes a special person to be President in a generational sort of way, not just as another cog in the wheel. I was asked for a stage Yellow approach. That's what I gave. I never said America would be mature enough to go along with it. That's up for debate. But I think a powerful, charismatic leader could have made it work. A JFK type.
  11. Evolution and proteins are just a fiction at the level of Alien Consciousness.
  12. The odds of randomly stringing together even one correct protein is like 1 in a trillion, trillion, trillion. And one protein by itself does nothing.
  13. Keep this discourse civil. Do not attack each other. Don't get bloodthirsty either.
  14. I doubt that's possible. This will be the worst urban warfare on the planet and it will radicalize a whole new generation of Islamist terrorists. Palestinians are backed into a corner and have no way out. They have no future but to become fighters. And for each one killed another one will be radicalized to kill.
  15. Of course. Just a question of how long they will stay there.
  16. Of course there won't be any hostages left after Netanyahu does his war. They were never hostages, they were casualties with a few extra days to live. Hamas is not gonna be able to resist killing them after the carnage Netanyahu unleashes on Gaza.
  17. Of course. They lose their moral high-ground too easily.
  18. This is a game of moral high-ground. If a nation behaves justly and properly, yet gets attacked, that is okay. That terrorism is not your moral concern, that's on the devils. But if you start to behave like a monster and give cause for others to attack you, then you have lost your own soul. Israeli's responsibility is not to end all terrorism against its existence, but merely to not fuel legitimate grievance from the Palestinians. If Israel was wise enough to hold itself to that standard, then it would be an inspiration to the world. It's not worth selling your soul in order to save a few thousand lives. This whole game is about who is able to restrain himself and resist devolving into a raving lying ape.
  19. To recognize that 9/11 was a trick, designed to provoke and trap Americans into an over-reaction. To not fall into this trap and instead focus on shoring up defenses against terrorist attacks and using very targeted drone strikes on terrorist targets in the Middle East and hunting down Bid Laden and Al Queada via undercover CIA work. Also building alliances in the Middle East by providing them with humanitarian aid and not trying to exploit them or push an American agenda on them. Think of how Captain Picard would have handled 9/11. If I was the President on 9/11, I would have made a national speech in which I told the American people that we have been set up with an ingenious trap, explained the trap, and urged everyone that it is our patriotic duty as Americans not to fall into the trap of waging a war against the Middle East or over-reacting, as that would make us fools. Instead, since we are intelligent, we will carefully allocate our resources to technological solutions which will actually make us safer at home. And that Bin Laden would be captured and brought to justice via covert means since he is a sneaky devil. We must be more sneaky and clever than him. And above all else we must maintain our moral high-ground by never abusing any Muslims. Anyone who abuses Muslims is an unAmerican traitor because America is defined by our integrity. No amount of terrorist acts will get us to abandon our integrity. Bin Laden is welcome to blow up half of New York, but we will never compromise our integrity because we will never be devils. As Americans we will respond to all acts of violence with maturity, wisdom, and intelligence, not like wild raving apes.
  20. I think if you study the ancient history of Indian rulers you will see plenty of Red.
  21. The reason I link Temple of Doom clips is because it's the classic example of how a Purple undercurrent runs underneath a veneer of Blue civilization. It's a genius movie that makes the most of the Purple meme. That's what makes it so entertaining.