Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @Breakingthewall Be careful with your over-generalizations and stereotyping. That is not the way.
  2. It's really helpful for a country if it has clean geographic divisons between ethic groups and neighbors. Otherwise there's endless conflict. A huge fundamental problem is that the divisions in Israel/Palestine are so random, artificial, and scattershot.
  3. What does "physical" even mean? It's pure illusion.
  4. For 50 bucks you can buy several dozen conversations directly with God.
  5. Modern morality does not permit of a Carthage style annihilation today. So of course it's different in that aspect.
  6. There's no good solution other than maybe foreign aid to help educate people and build better infrastructure. It's gonna be a long, slow development curve, nothing like China's growth.
  7. China and India have plenty of ethnic hate. India and Pakistan hate each other. Tibet is a big issue. Han Chinese hate the Muslims. But China and India have greatly favorable geography relative to the Middle East.
  8. @BFNK Keep in mind that it's not merely a function of 5-MeO, you must also properly jailbreak your mind through careful contemplation and a deep understanding of epistemic and metaphysical principles (which are covered in my videos). For example, have you deconstructed materialist science? No? Then don't expect to understand reality well, even if you do psychedelics.
  9. They can't emulate easily because they have 2000 years of ancient culture holding them back. You can't just drop culture so easily. The beauty of starting a new country from scratch, like Israel, is that you start with a blank slate. You can't do that in Iraq or Syria.
  10. That's the point! That's how you find God. 5-MeO will show you. If you dare. What you want is too much for a mere human mind to know. But it is possible if you dare to trasncend the human. Reality is an Infinite Mind, forever dreaming. The rest is details.
  11. All those countries except Israel are only successful due to getting lucky with massive oil fields. Without oil those places would be as backwards as Afghanistan. Israel is the only real outlier. And I would attribute that to the fact that it is a brand new country funded mostly by European settlers with post-enlightenment European culture. Iran has oil but it has been really held back by religious fundamentalism.
  12. If you actually do 5-MeO, you'll realize that this worry is pointless. What you should really be worried about is that any conclusions you come to from your sober state are delusions.
  13. It boils down to geography. The geography in the Middle East is so bad that survival there is much harder than elsewhere. Requiring harsher cultures. One of the biggest problems for Gaza is that they just don't have enough geographical abundance to ever succeed there, even if peace is magically made. Successful nations are built on abundant geography. Which is another reason why Zionists are grabbing land.
  14. This is what ethnic warfare was like for all of human history all around the world. It's just in highly developed countries we take it for granted. Reminds me of Rome vs Carthage, who hated each other so badly the Romans finally destroyed Carthage and salted the earth so nothing could even grow there.
  15. Yes, I misread. That's a function of harsher survival conditions and lack of infrastructure. It's better to call that a lack of development vs lack of consciousness.
  16. Sounds more like an exploration of guilt in the abstract. You can explore what extreme guilt or shame feels like without having done anything in the "real world". Psychedelics allow such high levels of abstraction that you can explore moods and feeling disconnected from your personal life.
  17. I don't buy it. Adyashanti is projecting his nondualist Buddhist view on Jesus. Jesus could have had Alien Conscioudness for all you know. You wouldn't even know.
  18. It did matter, it's just that a final deal was never reached. They were close at times. Some kinda deal must eventually be reached there. It's just a matter of time and lives. I think a deal is possible. At least until last week. Now there will not be a deal possible for like another decade, until people cool down.
  19. Nearly all my clients came from Actualized.org. And before that I mostly coached my extended friends for free. A few of them paid.
  20. It's even harder to determine what Jesus actually accomplished in his consciousness. You can't assume it was enlightenment at all. Who the fuck knows what he became conscious of? Vaguely speaking, "God", but that comes in so many kinds and degrees.
  21. That would be the best chance for peace in that difficult place. Because Zionists want to grab all that land for themselves. That is a huge factor in the violence. But the Israel government acts like it's no big deal.
  22. Not even necessarily. But even if it was, that doesn't mean much. You can experience Oneness and still not understand what the hell it really was. And experiencing Oneness is not even classic Buddhist enlightenment. What exactly is it that Buddhists claim the Buddha accomplished? I doubt JP understands that.