Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Being a billionaire and being conservative is no fun.
  2. I'm not looking to justify anything. I'm interested in seeing all the perspectives and nuance. Unlike most people, I am interested in the perspective of terrorists.
  3. Saudi Arabia is evolving pretty rapidly.
  4. Most peoples are equally capable of brutality, it's mostly just a matter of circumstance.
  5. Well, that's a matter of relative perspective. If you were on the receiving end of it, you would sing a different tune.
  6. 1) I was comparing Europeans and Arabs. Genghis Khan is another matter. 2) My whole point is that there's nothing uniquely brutal about the Arabs. They are just lagging behind in development due to slower advance. What I see is many in the West demonizing Arabs as uniquely barbaric while overlooking European barbarism. This is the epitome of cherry-picking. 3) I see your Arab slave trade and raise you European slave trade.
  7. Even Hitler did some good stuff. It's really hard to be 100% pure evil.
  8. Lol. This is such hogwash. As if Islam respects women and as if pre-Islamic culture was also not pagan. Every culture from before 2000 years ago was stage Purple animistic pagan-like. The West is the most civilized culture there is at the moment. Not because it is the best, but simply because it was the fastest to get there due to contingent geographical factors.
  9. Of course. The Holocaust alone should be enough. But if that isn't enough for you, you can find 100 others examples from European history. Europeans were utterly ruthless conquerors. Look at what the Spanish did to the South Americans.
  10. Yes, well, people are cherrypicking with the terrorism. So it's only fair to balance it out. Bias is a hell of a thing.
  11. When all else fails, war solves all problems.
  12. That's what I meant by Zionists fueling terrorism.
  13. @Steel Grotto I understand what you're getting at but at the stage I'm at I no longer listen to or take seriously any human form of spirituality. So I just don't care what any Bible says. But you do you.
  14. Irrelevant, as that is not the responsibility of Arabs.
  15. Gaza feels very cornered. Just look at it.
  16. Europeans were more brutal than Arabs if you look at European history. It's just that Europeans mostly got it out of their system while Arabs are still going through it.
  17. I am not interested in the works of any human any more.
  18. 1) Geography in this region got worse over the last 3000 years due to desertification. 2) The geography needed for agrarian society is quite different than what is required for 21st century society.