Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Don't make all of us look bad along with you.
  2. This is not good. Discontinue use and work on building up your life.
  3. Of course. At this point many Palestinian civilians will die, similar to Iraq invasion. Hamas really screwed over their own people. It was a huge mistake for the Palestinians to allow themselves to be lead by such leadership. That kind of leadership hurts Palestinians more than Israel does. You can't let yourself be lead by suicidal people, otherwise they take you with them to hell. The question is, how to get healthy leadership for Palestinians after this war? That's gonna be so hard.
  4. What you have to keep in mind that all military activity results in some degree of collateral damage. That isn't a mistake, that's the nature of war. Civilians always die and there are always war crimes. The question is to what degree and how to minimize it. But you cannot reduce it to zero. So it is unrealistic to expect Israel military to commit zero war crimes. The problem is that Hamas fights in a way that has zero restraint at all, so they lose any right to complain at that point.
  5. He cannot legally be President. He was not born in the US. This whole scheme is nonsense.
  6. For me, 4-AcO is quite different from mushrooms. 4-AcO has taken on DMT-like vibes for me.
  7. No. It was always infinitely intelligent. That's the magic of God.
  8. @Steel Grotto I hear what you're saying. I just don't care about the Bible. It has no more importance to me than a magazine. If you are attached to the Bible this will be difficult for you to appreciate.
  9. Book in my book list teaches you how to speed read.
  10. That's not true. Israel gets plenty of criticism for killing civilians.
  11. Rather than sticking a foreign label on it, just study the facts on the ground.
  12. You could. I have many times. The problem with these types of awakenings is that you will immediately lose them.
  13. A single payer healthcare system would likely backfire badly. California needs to get its taxes under control or it will lose a lot of business to other states.
  14. Sure, awakening and tripping in dreams is possible. You didn't say what you became conscious of so it may have been awakening or some other mystical experience. There are also many different kinds of awakenings.
  15. The US is run on Hispanic migrant labor too. Of course Saudi is gonna be worse because it's much less developed.
  16. Of course I didn't just read his book. I also read other books. Yes, Mein Kampf is a bad read. But I didn't know that at the time.
  17. Yes, I was also interested in understanding Hitler when I was young. When I was 17 or so I bought and started reading Mein Kampf to try to understand Hitler. I read Stalin's biography. I read Saddam Hussein's biography. I read Lenin's biography. I read Mao's biography. I read Genghis Khan's biography. I read about North Korea. I studied Osama Bin Laden's ideology. If Satan had an autobiography, I would happily read it.
  18. From what I've seen, leftists are split on this. Some are so blind they support Hamas out of their love for Palestinians. More reasonable people on the left condemn the terrorism as much as people on the right. Any reasonable person is gonna condemn the terrorism. But all terrorism has a broader context, which usually goes ignored. I am interested in exploring that context. What creates terrorists? What I liked least about the whole 9/11 era was that no one was seriously asking what creates terrorism? Which should have been the top question.
  19. No, I feel the need to understand it. And yes, relativity is a huge factor in understanding it. I don't accept this sort of Bush/Biden position of "Terrorism is evil, full stop." This is not serious understanding, this is childishness. I don't understand your question.