Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. That kind of approach will lead to a regional war and a decade of terrorism. US support for Israel has to be conditional on humane warfare. Why should the US support war crimes? That is absurd. The US goal should not be to suppprt Israel but to support rule of law and humane action.
  2. That's just cause you're so self-absorbed.
  3. @Scholar That's not enough though. Biden needs to publically tell Israel that US support is conditional on Israel showing restraint. That's the key missing piece. The US is gonna look so bad after the civilian death toll in Gaza shoots past 10,000.
  4. Wait till you discover Alien Consciousness
  5. You wanna be a dog? That's your ideal? Haha.
  6. The only problem is that Game B will never work in our political world, so the core of his philosophy is pure fantasy. It sounds nice but it is not how the world is run.
  7. I don't think we have evidence of torture.
  8. Nope. FYI, animals work really hard to get laid. You just don't appreciate it.
  9. The hostages will not survive this. 12 are already confirmed killed. Israel is not being honest about this. If they wanted to save hostages they wouldn't be bombing so ruthlessly. Jihadists want to provoke and punish the US very much. They like the chaos it creates. The US needs to play a less biased role, otherwise it will become a target. It's gonna look so bad if US is seen as fully backing a genocide of Arabs without any call for restraint. Biden needs to publically tell Israel to chill and tread carefully. Israel has gone berzerk on the dancefloor and Biden is clapping them on with drunk abandon. I think Arabs will get uniquly pissed off at the images from Gaza. The optics of it will look so bad. To them the images will look as bad as the videos of Hamas killing babies looked in the West.
  10. Lol, Dugin Rube Goldbergs his way into Armaggedon.
  11. Unless they are planning terror attacks, nothing. Unfortunately I think Israel is gonna create such a bloodbath in Gaza that we will have terrorist attacks in the US for a decade to come. An overreaction from Israel can easily create a new Osama Bin Laden character who will want to punish the US for supporting Israel's bloodbath. This is gonna be such a mess for a decade to come.
  12. Ironically the last PM of Japan was killed by a terrorist.
  13. If you told that to Hamas, they would kill you. That's like telling them that they are the spawn of Satan.
  14. They certainly are. They just don't have the means to achieve it. Since Hamas is so weak they can be a useful foil for Zionist hardliners who would love to use Hamas as an excuse to justify taking over as much land as possible and not have to negotiate.
  15. Of course nationalism is at play on both sides in this whole situation. The challenge is how to keep the nationalism healthy without devolving into toxic genocidal behavior. Both sides must restrain themselves to prevent genociding the other. The levels of development of both sides is not high enough to preclude genocidal behavior. A portion of both sides would love to do genocide. Those factions must be kept in check.
  16. It's very different from Hamas. Number of bodies is the wrong factor to use in assessing this situation.
  17. Except that's clearly not the case.
  18. The fighting in Gaza is gonna be a total deathtrap. Clearing Hamas out of there will be a nightmare:
  19. I wouldn't say that. The Israeli army still shows way more restraint than Hamas.
  20. Israel needs to be told to use restraint. That's really all that can be done at this point. Israel will either go hog-wild or they will use restraint.
  21. @jdc7733 Good. Don't restart them. Focus on other areas of your life.