Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. How I feel is irrelevant. That's the point.
  2. If you had no bias, you would see everything as Love.
  3. What's easy is to demonize reality. Shalom
  4. More like 300 breakthroughs to grasp the full picture.
  5. Various chems could take you there. You just gotta explore around. I've accessed it on 5-MeO-DMT, 5-MeO-MALT, weed, and 4-Aco-DMT.
  6. You're not gonna find a better political forum on the web. You guys don't appreicate what we got here and how toxic things are out there.
  7. Hamas needs to be eliminated as precisely as possible with attention to the least possible civilian deaths. Then end to settlement expansion and negotiation of peace deal.
  8. Not true. I have seen a wide variety of perspectives in the corporate media. Medhi Hassan, for example, is part of Western corporate medIa. He is very sympathetic to the Palestinians and harsh on Zionists. The media is doing a fine job reporting on this issue. All perspectives can be found if you just bother to look for them.
  9. @Husseinisdoingfine That's the one.
  10. Your genetics determines how well your body copes with heavy metals. So for some people it's a much bigger problem than others. You can minimize problems with salmon by eating it with a chelator like activated charcoal or zeolite, which will absorb the heavy metals. Every time you eat fish, just eat a pill of activated charcoal.
  11. I'm not sure. Many circle around the bush but none are quite dead-on. Perhaps Vedanta. Sufism is close too. Sufis understand that You are God and God is Love.
  12. An important part of Game B is having a large base of material success for everyone, so that no one feels like a cornered rat desperate to survive. All of human history so far has been the building up of that material base. We still have a ways to go. Cornered rats cannot do Game B. So if you want Game B, figure out how to uncorner as many rats as possible. Preaching fancy philosophy does not uncorner a rat.
  13. This is such a complex, non black-and-white issue that I encourage you guys to study all the opposite persepctives and not get locked into any one side. There is no simple right view here. Which is why this issue has not been resolved for 70+ years. Appreciate the complexities at play. The more I study this issue the more tricky it becomes.
  14. There's gonna be a year's worth of Trump trial news, so let's consolidate it all here.
  15. I am too radical for people to want me. And I do not want them either. Mankind is not going extinct from a couple degrees change in temperature. We are not snowmen.
  16. This is a bad belief. There are many other good girls out there. Even better ones. Breakups are a bitch tho. Just give yourself time to heal. Is she still dating that guy? Or it was only for a few months? Cause if she was really into him why would she be texting with you?
  17. @NoSelfSelf Take it easy on them. Guys here can get demoralized.
  18. I disagree. What I saw from Daniel recently is this expectation that the whole world needs to come together and stop global warming for example, in a radical Game B manner, by ending all carbon emissions, or we all go extinct. This is what he is telling government leaders. It's complete fantasy. And no, we are not going extinct. These people have lost their minds with this extinction talk. These people have become so wise that they are being stupid. Mankind is not ending carbon emissioms. Carbon emessions will even increase and that is not a mistake. Don't just blindly accept whatever hippie fantasies these people are selling you.
  19. It will be possible in the future but within our lifetime it is not how things will run. Nobody is at the levels of development needed to sustain Game B. And they will not be for another 100 years.
  20. But there is the question of how to go about reaching those goals. Going on a wild rampage is going to be counter-productive to Israel and the US. It has to be done carefully, with moderation.