Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. The only thing they could really do is bomb less from the air. The million dollar question is, How effectively can they really eliminate Hamas? Will a ground invasion even do the trick? Or will Hamas reform as soon as Israel pulls out? In which case, the situation becomes unsolvable. The problem with Hamas, unlike say, Nazi Germany or Japan, is that Hamas will not do an unconditional surrender because they are suicidal.
  2. How are Palestinians ever going to recover their homes? They mostly live in high-rise condos. Once that building is bombed, it won't be built back for many years. Recovering your home there will be impossible because even if new buildings are built they will not be identical to the old ones and probably more expensive than the old ones. So it effectively becomes another dislocation/Nakhba situation. This is not like farmland which you can easily return to.
  3. The problem of terrorism requires a laser-targeted approach. Shooting wildly in all directions ends up serving the terrorists. The problem is that Israel shoots wildly, creates terrorists, those terrorists lash out, Israel is hurt and blames the terrorists, shoots wildly at them, hurts many innocents, which creates more terrorists. And the cycle just feeds itself.
  4. I would have more Rolls Royces.
  5. Just switch to English. Later you can introduce parts of other languages.
  6. There are still limits to their ruthlessness. One would hope.
  7. I wonder if any of their leadership actually thinks like that. Frankly, it's hard for me to think like a diehard nationalist. It's such a grotesquely biased way to think.
  8. Destroying that many residential buildings itself starts to feel like a war crime. 1 million people will be left homeless, jobless, schoolless, mosqueless. Total humanitarian disaster. How many terrorists will this create?
  9. Didn't take me 13 years. But be careful. That many trips will put in you dangerous waters.
  10. Solution: Catapult dead skunks into settlements.
  11. 2 Jews and 2 Muslims walk into a bar... 50 years later they are still fighting.
  12. It would be nice if you guys could go meta and see how you are using morality to manipulate each other.
  13. Sounds like you are projecting a lot of stuff on her. Which is distorting your view of what her real motivations are with you. You should talk to her and find out what her intentions and motivations are in contacting you. So you two are clear.
  14. Unfortunately it's not available much. You'd have to contact the authors. Susanne Cook-Greuter would be your best bet.
  15. @Socrates I removed the warning points. Just calm down and post in a sensible manner. This applies to everyone here. Disagree without making it personal.
  16. @JTL You are fine. You will not be kicked out from here.
  17. Everyone just calm down a bit. This issue is very polarizing and people have all sorts of perspectives. There is not going to be agreement on this issue.
  18. "Billal al-Qedra, the commander of the so-called Nukhba unit’s southern Khan Younis battalion, was killed in an airstrike". Yesterday's news. Don't get too blinded by moral outrage, or your mind will distort things and miss important facts.
  19. I'm taking you all with me
  20. If Trump wins you might get your wish
  21. That's what I was worried about. Get ready for backlash in the West.