Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I found it helpful to watch videos and interviews of them. You can find many on YT. Jews are just like any other people. Most are good and some are scummy.
  2. No one is saying Hamas targeted their own. Just think about the failure rates of rockets. Commercial rockets can have a failure rate of up to 5%. What do you think the failure rate of homemade water-pipe rockets is?
  3. Looks legit. Jihadists scored an own-goal. Given that so many of these homemade rockets misfire, many other civilians losses in Gaza could also be wrongly blamed on Israel. It makes sense that homemade rockets aren't reliable. And Gaza fires 1000s of them. 2000 rockets x 2% fail rate = 40 fuel bombs falling on a densely populated civilian area.
  4. You are right that the ego-mind uses the notion "deserve" to justify, moralize, and fantasize.
  5. https://www.drugfoundation.org.nz/news-media-and-events/the-tairawhiti-hapu-exploring-indigenous-psilocybin-to-treat-methamphetamine-addiction/#:~:text=The psilocybin mushroom species weraroa,traditionally used the mushrooms similarly.
  6. This is a serious problem: This kind of nationalism is toxic and has to be curbed somehow. This is the equivalent of Israeli Nazis. This is why Jews are hated.
  7. I agree that they need to stop settlement expansion and perhaps even dismantle the newest settlements. But if you listen to that Netanyahu intetrview I posted, he says that if some 2 state solution is reached, some of those Israeli settlements will simply become part of Palestine. Jews can also live in Palestine like how Arabs can live in Israel now. Basically, settlers are making a gamble that they might end up being citizens of a future Palestine. But I agree they need to stop with funding new settlements because it only aggrivates the issue. Israel is making a mistake when they encourage the most right-wing Zionists to build new settlement. Those far-right Zionists are batshit crazy and genocidal themselves. They would love to rob the Palestinians of all their land.
  8. Hard to say. It's easily justified if it's true that if Israel pulls out and Islamists take over like in Gaza. Israel already did this experiment once. They pulled completely out of Gaza and Hamas formed. Now you want them to do the same in the West Bank. Okay, but what if Hamas 2.0 forms there? That's why the military check points exist in West Bank. Now there will have to be military check points in Gaza to check for terrorists even if Hamas is eliminated. The check points are what keep radicals from grabbing power.
  9. You should probably try lesser psychedelics first to see how you like it. Surely there must be some kinda psychedelics around the New Zealand area. Magic mushrooms should grow in New Zealand. Make friends with some hippies who can hook you up. Don't the Maori people eat magic mushrooms?
  10. I'm not even sure how relevant that is. Because in the end a radical minority could capture a weak Palestinian state and use it as a genocidal platform. Even if Palestine gets some form of democratic self-rule, it's gonna be a weak democracy at best. Look at the US. We are barely keeping our democracy intact today. How easily could Palestinian democracy get hijacked by Islamists? Very easily with the help of Iran. This is a legit concern for Netanyahu. You are asking Israelis to trust with their lives that that won't happen. Obviously that's not a gamble they wanna take. Especially after the latest Hamas attack.
  11. Yes, it's a Catch 22, but frankly if you governed Israel you would not want to gamble with the lives of your people by allowing your neighbor, full of radical Islamists, to get a proper military. Iran would fund that military and egg it on to bomb Israel. Iran repeatedly says, death to the Jews. Iran bears a lot of responsibility for fueling this war too and ensuring no long term peace. Iran is hellbent to prevent any peace.
  12. Netanyahu's plan was to have Palesitine as an autonomous region but without a military, because he thinks it would be used to attack Israel. Frankly, this is a valid concern. What is meant by "give Palestine a state" is simply, give them a military with control over air space. Netanyahu refuses to give them air space control because then they might bomb Israel with planes or invade with tanks. This does not make Netanyahu some monster. He has a right to worry about what radicals in Palestine might do with a proper military. None of this is some secret. Netanyahu publically states these concerns in interviews. See here:
  13. All the stuff I've seen from him on this issue has been reasonable and balanced.
  14. It's more accurate to call it ethnocentrism and nationalism.
  15. Piers Morgan is surprisingly reasonable and balanced in all this.
  16. I would be selling t-shirts with my face on them.
  17. Guys, just be patient and wait for news to get verified before you start making accussations. It's unclear yet who caused this bombing. Also, consider, when you jump to accussations and all this moralizing you are contributing to the kind of attitudes that result in endless conflict. If people on this forum cannot stay objective and sensible, how can you ever expect either the Israelis or Arabs in the Middle East to do so? They have a lot more at stake than you. And yet we expect them to be sensible, moderate, and tolerant. Take responsibility for the conflict you create.
  18. Looks like Israel is gonna create a PR disaster for themselves here. If they are gonna bomb hospitals they gotta explain why.
  19. As a Child of Darkness, I am offended.
  20. I think Israel's policy at this point is to drop a bomb on anywhere they see a rocket fired from. I wish Israel was more transparent on why they bomb certain places. It's impossible to tell if they are actually hitting Hamas or just random buildings. How do they choose where to bomb?
  21. Is it possible Hamas fires rockets from a hospital?
  22. But in WW2 the fight was with state actors who could be forced to sign surrenders and treaties. It was not a suicidal insurgency situation.