Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Fundamentally Palestine does not have a high enough stage of development to sustain democracy. Democracy can only exist at stage Orange. Palestine is stage Red. That means any attempt to establish a democracy there will fail, as it gets hijacked by jihadist warlords. Stage Red government is warlords all fighting with each other until a dictator crushes them under one iron fist and dictates order through brutally excuting all opposition. In the case of Palestine that means some radical Islamic, theocractic dictator. Who will be funded by Iran and want to exterminate all the Jews from the Middle East. Of course Israel will oppose that in every possible way. Netanyahu clearly understands all this. Many of you guys here do not. Most liberals and progressives do not. The US tried for 10 years to establish a democracy in Iraq and it turned into a total clusterfuck hijacked by jihadist warlords. So this is not a hypthetical. This is the reality of that region. Over half a million Iraqi civilians died in the fighting. The US didn't kill them all, they mostly killed each other in a desperate attempt to establish a power hierarchy with one guy at the top.
  2. There is no solution. Which is why we have war and threats of more war.
  3. That isn't the issue. The issue is Palestine is so under-developed that it cannot sustain a democracy which does not turn into a terrorist state. Any weak state in the Middle East will be taken over by Jihadist forces if the window is allowed. The reason Netanyahu has to keep Palestine disarmed is not because he hates Palestinians, it's because he cannot allow a terrorist state to form. If you are serious at all about this issue, answer this: How do you prevent a weak democracy from getting hijacked by Jihadists? If you actually bother to contemplate this question seriously, you will realize you have no solution. Which is why Netanyahu has the position he has. Not because he is some cartoon villian.
  4. That is NOT what the Israeli military is doing. If you believe that, you're blinded by bias. There is no scenario in which Israel takes Gaza land for itself to settle. That issue is closed.
  5. This makes Ryokan sound like a moron with an IQ of 60.
  6. Russia is a backwards authoritarian state. Deeply corrupt. Do not compare it to Israel. Israel is a liberal democratic state with a modern Western military. The Russian military is well-known for deliberately brutal campaigns and targetting civilian buildings. The Russian military is also using tons of old unguided artillery shells, not modern guided missiles from F-35s. Russia is also fighting a war of invasion and annexation of land against 100,000 well train troops. Totally different scenario than in Gaza. Putin's goal in Ukraine is to demoralize the local population into submission. To grind them down. Israel is not doing that. Again, your analysis of the situation is not serious.
  7. Israel said they would bomb any place that has Hamas fighters or rockets. And as in all wars, there will be mistakes in targetting. And even war crimes by some rogue elements. This is not an excuse, this is the reality of the situation. If you think about it, a modern military does not have good reason to bomb hospitals full of civilians. Israel does not want that kind of bad PR. If you are Israel you want to reduce backlash from international community just for selfish reasons. If Israel wanted to bomb hospitals simply out of spite, they easily could. If you think they are doing that, you're not thinking very well. That's not how the Israeli army is run. That is not a serious analysis of the situation. Some of you guys have very simplistic, conspiratorial ways of thinking about these things. The world is much more complicated than your kindergarten conspiracy theories.
  8. A single tweet is not very good evidence. That could have been a different hospital and they didn't want confusion over this issue.
  9. @BassamMo More developed means less corrupt, which means more honest. Hamas dares to even deny they killed civilians. There is a relationship between development level and honesty/integirty. Which is why all the least developed countries are the most corrupt and barbaric. Which is why US media is more trustworthy than Chinese or Russian media. This does not mean US media has no bias. It's just less biased than the alternatives.
  10. Because they are more honest and developed than Hamas. You have to be unbiased to see these degrees of difference. This does not mean trusting Israel like a naive fool. You must take into account that Israel has a survival agenda and bias. This is so obvious it hardly needs to be said.
  11. There is a whole order of higher, trans-human dimension to Consciousness. Like Alien Consciousness and others.
  12. Speak for yourself. Mine is beautiful.
  13. All this is true. I never denied that. I simply said there's more to realize beyond that.
  14. You have no idea what people suffered back then. Dying from heavy metals is very rare. That's not the issue. The issue is that it just ruins your life in a subtle way.
  15. @BassamMo Just wait and you will see validation from other sources. A rocket full of fuel could do a lot of damage. You are acting like I'm taking sides, but I'm not. I don't care which side is guilty here. Whatever is true is what I'm happy with.
  16. That is his worldview. His worldview is quite twisted by trying to be anti-mainstream and trying to "escape the matrix". He believes that people are sleep-walking through life, which then gives him a distorted view of politics and government, which is designed for the masses, not rebels like him. He has a rebel's bias.
  17. The claim is that no building was flattened. You guys are arguing over a thing which will be 100% verified within a day or two by other sources.
  18. They are more credible than the Russian army. If the IDF faked all that evidence that is gonna be discovered quickly and it will only blow back in their face. The IDF would be stupid to try to cover up something like this because they would be disproven within a few days. I'm not saying it's impossible, but quite unlikely. You cannot hide the truth of this situation for more than a few days. US intel will be able to validate it. It's not hard to see a bomb crater from a satellite.
  19. I think Netanyahu is open to that. But the Palestinians are not. Maybe that could work. All governments are biased and twist narratives to suit their nationalist agendas, however Hamas deserves the least benefit of the doubt. It's all relative.
  20. @LoneWonderer Go to a local music festival or burn and you will find endless sources.
  21. No difference between subject and object, self and world. The world is the self.
  22. @Hatfort You will take the word of Hamas over all the evidence presented by IDF? Not wise.