Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. That is correct. It's really not hard. Nothing about sexuality is inherently bad or traumatizing at any age. How you relate to it is all a function of your mind, and of course the particulars of the relationship and situation. Sex can be abusive or it cannot. Age does not change that basic reality. There is no magic age at which sex harms you. That very idea is absurd. You can notice that it's just a dogma you never questioned. Note: I am not denying that many youngsters get sexually abused and harmed.
  2. An update: Destiny and I are planning a face to face conversation date, and likewise with Peter Boghossian, but Peter is out of the country until Feb 2025, so that convo will happen in about 6 months. The Destiny one should be much sooner. Cool things in the pipeline.
  3. I have always said that Israel is more developed than Palestine. But that's beside the point when it comes to fairness. It's as if I saw you kicking a dog, and called you out, and you replied, "I am surprised you can't see who is more evolved in this fight."
  4. Yes, it is an ethnic group but so much of that culture is grounded in Biblical stories. But the US drives Middle East geopolitics.
  5. I feel so understood.
  6. @Karmadhi How can you say religion is irrelevant when the entire Jewish identity is based on religion? And same for Christians. You're living in fantasy land. Religion defines the whole shebang. We have still not evolved past Christianity in 2024.
  7. 1) That is the scenario I described in The Psychology Of Being Wrong. 2) What's amazing is that if Trump actually did that, I would be his biggest fan. He would be a sage more inspiring than Jesus.
  8. There could be ethical Zionism if settlement expansion is stopped, and if lies and manipulation stops, if shameless self-bias stops, and if there is a good-faith effort toward a 2-state solution. That would be about as ethical as Zionism could realistically be.
  9. Of course. The reality is that all the land in the world is taken by someone and they ain't gonna just give it over to you. So domination was baked into the Zionist cake even if it wasn't the conscious intent of most Zionists. Most corporations don't have the intent to harm people, but they end up doing so automatically as they pursue profits at all costs. Zionism is just like that but with land. Sure, they don't want to hurt Arabs, but if some Arabs get killed in the process, it's just baked into the cake. The Zionist emoji: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. @mmKay It's a great example to round out our list of freaks!
  11. You are the one creating seperation. God is Creation. God is rape. But you don't wanna admit that. You are looking for some way to complicate it and create distance between God and the thing you hate. I am trying to remove that distance so you realize the Unity of it all.
  12. Well, that's just one radical. Zionism goes back into the 1800s before Palestinian land was even a target.
  13. I can't remember. But I bet if you asked them they would proudly wear the label, as Biden does. Why the f does Biden call himself a Zionist??
  14. That seems to be its original meaning 100 years ago, but today I mostly see Zionists in the media who shamelessly defend a self-biased form of Israeli nationalism. An innocent idea has turned into a kind of partisan, promote-Israeli-nationalism-at-all-costs attitude. Jews have had their own land for quite some time now, so at this point you don't need to be a Zionist, you can just be an Israeli citizen. I also define Zionists as those who endorse or turn a blind eye to Israel settlement expansion. Of course these are just my definitions. You could could define Zionism as something more milqutoast.
  15. Dan is saying it because he doesn't want America to be a tool for Zionists. Which is not wrong.
  16. It could not be more simple: If it exists, God created it. Now you wanna claim God is not a creator because it no longer suits your silly morals. See what games you play? I cornered you into denying that God is Creator.
  17. There is no fallacy. God is cause of all and rape is part of all. Look at all the mental acrobatics you do just to avoid facing a simple truth.
  18. Get your basic life and career in order so that later you have time for philosophy and spirituality.
  19. It is true though that stage Blue Zionists believe that Jews are the Chosen People and Children of Light. Dan was saying that that's a problematic worldview which leads to devilry. That is spot-on. Of course Dan resembles an American Nazi. But even a Nazi can be right on some points. You can agree with a Nazi that kicking dogs is wrong. That's basically what Dan said.
  20. By Zionism I mostly mean right-wing stage Blue Zionists and/or people who blindly defend nearly all of Israel's selfish and manipulative actions vis a vis Palestine. I call it Zionism when people just start from the axiomatic position that Israel is an objective good. Zionism is fundamentally a profound ethnocentric self-bias, which is why it is wrong. You can be Israeli or Jew without holding such a bias. For example, when America does something wrong I have no problem admitting it because I do not hold America as axiomatically good. If I was an Americanist that would be wrong.
  21. You could have some permanent shifts in your state. Be open to that. But also, perfect freedom isn't necessary. 99.999% of humans live without such freedom and many of them are reasonably happy. Don't go chasing some God-perfection, enjoy life now.
  22. Pretty difficult since most people cannot even do basic philosophical inquiry because they are so absorbed in survival. You can do both if you prioritize your time well and don't screw around. You gotta get serious about each in turn. Set your goals and then work towards them.