Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Everyone is different. I have no idea what will get anyone to alien consciousness but me. I have achieved insane consciousness on weed. But that's me. You ain't me.
  2. It's gonna be different for everyone. 100mg of DMT and 100mg of harmala is a good start.
  3. Many people don't make such distinctions.
  4. Just go watch the protests in Arab countries that broke out.
  5. I think they see Hamas more as freedom fighters fighting against the evil Jews, who deserves to be attacked.
  6. Look at all the pro-Palestine protests in the Middle East after the hospital attack. Most Arabs support the Arabs in this war. Most Arabs believe that Israel bombed that hospital, depsite all the contrary evidence. They don't care about evidence.
  7. It's good PR for them. Hamas is now fighting a PR battle over the hearts and minds of all Arabs in the Middle East. They did that with the fake hospital attack.
  8. I have an old video: All Of Religon Explained
  9. Most Christians are dogamtic fools. But some Christian mystics realized God. Most Muslims are dogmatic fools. But some Muslim mystics realized Allah. Neither the Bible nor the Quran are good tools for realizing God. If you wish to discuss this issue further please start a new thread.
  10. DO NOT DO THAT. Most freebase DMT is extracted from plant matter. This makes it too impure for IV injection. You need pure sythesized DMT fumarate for injection. This type of DMT is much more rare and costly. Although it can be found. But I don't recommend injection because if your chemical isn't extremely pure you could seriously injure yourself. The best ROA for DMT is orally with harmala extract. This produces a stable 2hr trip.
  11. Stick your tongue out at her like a snake.
  12. And who moves your spindly fingers?
  13. I'm just telling you what I heard. Whether you can trust Hamas is a separate matter. That's a fair point. But also, it seems Israel does not care about the hostages. They will not stop this war for those hostages. They want to wage their war and somehow magically save the hostages, which sounds ridiculous.
  14. It is true. I saw video in which a reporter was speaking with a Hamas leader over the phone, live on air, and the Hamas leader agreed to let all the hostage ls go if the bombing is stopped. He said they would let them go within 1 hour. His words. You can find it on YT. Obviously it's unclear if he can be trusted. But it seems Hamas is open to negotiate buy Israel is not interested because they want their war.
  15. Hamas has said they will release all hostages if Israel agrees to stop all bombing.
  16. That guy needs to change his name to Hussain Hussain-Hussain already.
  17. Data entered into the database got corrupted. This sometimes happens when connections fail or server processes get interrupted for whatever reason.
  18. Forum crashes will always happen. They happen a few times a year. Sometimes the data can be restored, sometimes not. We get about 1 data loss event per year. It's usually 1-2 days of data lost.
  19. If the West tries to impose a pro-Western, pro-Jewish puppet monarch, he will be overthrown by the locals, just like in Afghanistan. You can't just do these things from the outside. It has to come from within.
  20. To install a monarchy you gotta kill tens of thousands of people and brutally repress the rest into accepting it. And even then your monarch will be a Islamist aligned with Iran. Because if he isn't he will be overthrown within a year. Your monarch will be so insecure he will build a massive army and point it where? At Israel of course.
  21. Stop saying nonsense! Iraq held democratic elections many times. But they failed to work as they should because everyone there is so tribal and underdeveloped they don't have a national identity. And they are too corrupt to have a legal system.
  22. Of course! That's no mere coincidence of history. It had to be that way. Some weak-willed, LGBTQ liberal cannot rule Palestine. That's an insane Western projection. They need a Saddam Hussein character to run that place. Because anyone weaker will just be shot in head by someone who has the will to do it. You have to have the will to murder people with your own hands to hold power there. If you are not willing to murder your friends, you cannot rule Palestine. This is the crux of the issue. And anyone willing to murder his friends will have no qualms murdering Jews. Now, how do you solve that?!
  23. If a state is run by terrorists, they are not even at stage Blue yet. Stage Blue would be an Iran-like opressive theocracy. Palestine has a lot of work to do just to reach that level.