Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. The situation is similar to Iraq or Afghanistan after the war. Once you throw the current leadership out, there is a power vacuum which must be filled. A pro Western leadership is installed, but then there is an uprising from the grassroots of radicals to overthrow it. An internal war ensues. Realistically Israel will have to occupy Gaza similar to the West Bank, with lots of military check-points, if they want to keep radical Islamists like ISIS from overrunning Gaza. This will embroil Israel is a decade's long occupation and war of insurgency.
  2. There is no such thing as rights. Nations do whatever they can get away with. Israelis have the option to kill as many Gazans as they want, and Gazans have the option to kill as many Jews as they want.
  3. Be careful. Going that deep may start to destroy your human life. And not in a healthy way.
  4. The best motivation is: "If I don't start approaching right now, I'm gonna have a miserable night."
  5. If worry was 100% useless, it would not exist. Nothing your mind does is useless. It all helps you survive in one way or another, to some degree or another.
  6. The alien stuff is not so much about the chemical you use as it is about completely going beyond all the human spiritual concepts and teachings, and really starting to use your mind in an out-of-the-box way. After you've achieved all the standard nondual consciousness and insights, you start to wonder, what's next? And then the possibility opens up for new kinds of consciousness, completely beyond anything humans talk about.
  7. That is true. But it's unclear to me whether Iran wants Israel to invade Gaza. On the one hand it may bog Israel down. On the other hand Israel has a pretty good army and they might do some serious damage to Hamas.
  8. Stage Red terrorists may not think that far. They may just act out of bloodthirst, not strategy. If Hamas has the opportunity to kill 1000 Jews, they may just pounce on it without much thought of the consequences. The problem is that a Jihadist doesn't really care because he's ready to die either way.
  9. I find it easy. Once I realize a thing is out of my control there's no more need to worry. The hard part is determining whether something is in your control or not. This requires some contemplation work. You shouldn't. Just follow your life purpose.
  10. @Happy Lizard You want to get a vape designed for concentrates and waxes, not dry herb. Like this: https://www.vaporesso.com/tank-mod https://humboldtvapetech.com/product/top-airflow-sai/
  11. Lowest quality ingredients humanly possible, and all the matter is long dead, or wasn't ever alive in the first place. Whole foods all contain living cells and matter. Processed foods don't.
  12. Yeah, if you notice, Weinstein's solution to the problem is laughably unrealistic, despite all his fancy logic. Fancy academic logic is not gonna solve this issue. Which is why guys like Weinstein don't run governments or militaries.
  13. This picture is not quite correct. If you can do something about it, then worrying is valid. That's the function of worrying, is to get you to act on things which you can do something about. But if you can't do anything about it, then drop worrying.
  14. People have such short memories. The purpose of the lockdowns was to slow the spread of the virus so that hospitals were not overrun and so that a vaccine could be developed. Remember, this was a novel virus. Its effects were not fully known. You cannot just retroactively apply today's knowledge backwards through time. For example, it was not known how this virus affects children. But even if lockdowns don't work, we didn't know that at the time, so caution was still the right strategy. Also, Owen's position is more than anti-lockdown.
  15. No. Throw those away. You need to buy pure harmine/harmaline extract.
  16. He def believes it. You have to understand how deeply this issue ties in with his whole way of surviving. The guy makes a living going out to nightclubs and teaching people how to be social. Of course he will be anti lock downs and social distancing and all that. And he will have a story for why this stuff is wrong. As a general rule pickup guys are quite biased. You need to have a twisted mind to justify how typical PUAs treat women.
  17. You can literally put a mile of landmines around Gaza.
  18. It's not that far-fretched to focus on defense vs offense.
  19. But what does invading Mexico accomplish? It might feel good but in the end it doesn't solve the problem and costs more lives and makes all your neighbors hate you. I feel like this thing will just turn into Iraq and Afghanistan 2.0 Just a giant waste of energy.
  20. Don't strawman. There could still be targetted assassination of the Hamas leaders and fighters, and targetting of their infrastructure.
  21. There should already have been 10,000 troops patroling that boarder full time. That was the key mistake here. Israel can simply establish a DMZ like in North Korea. No one ever invades across that DMZ. What is Israel doing with its army?? Israel has a huge army and a tiny country. Why don't they have at least 10,000 troops around Gaza?
  22. The more I think about this whole war, the more it strikes me that the best course of action for Israel might simply be to not eliminate Hamas but just build better defenses against Gaza. It is not hard to defend against Hamas, and it is much more practical than invading Gaza. The Gaza invasion may badly backfire in the long-term. I just don't see that invading Gaza will stop terror attacks. But it will cost thousands of Israeli lives. So what's the point? It's mostly just revenge at this point. But revenge is not a strategy and cannot be a root solution to anything.