Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Good. Just be careful with your projections about me. Your notion of me is probably more of a fantasy than it is the real me. So stay mindful of that. You guys love to get into parasocial relationship with me without being aware of it. So that's a trap to watch out for. I suggest you don't make your trips about me.
  2. I'm researching the issue.
  3. The forum crashed last night. Restoring it resulted in about 1 day's worth of data loss. Anything you posted after 6:00am 10/18/23 was lost. Sorry. Things should be working fine now.
  4. There are estimated to be 40,000 Hamas fighters. How do you plan to kill them? Even 4:1 would be a good ratio for Israel. Tanks are not going to be effective. All of Gaza will be littered with mines. It's going to be worse than Iraq.
  5. Christians live in Saudi Arabia and Iran too. That doesn't count for much. It's not like Iran is so genocidal that they don't allow some minority groups to co-exist.
  6. It can if you keep consciousness low and you manage it well. There are different kinds of consciousness. Some of it is aligned with human life and some is not. It's hard to know how much your mind will be able to handle and how fast.
  7. This whole situation is like the most infuriating impossible puzzle. The more you study it, no matter which side you take, no matter how reasonable you are, no matter how nuanced you are, there is no solution.
  8. So then get ready for a decade of war that will cost 10,000+ Israeli lives and 100,000+ Palestinians. That's what this invasion will realistically result in. In the end, all that will happen is everyone will tire of war. But only after a decade of it. And we will be back to where we started. Jihadists will still hate Israel. Perhaps more than ever.
  9. I don't buy that. A few of the most developed Syrians might want that, but most of the people there do not value secularism, they want an Islamic state. Even in America, something like 30% of the population want a Christian theocracy. Because their minds are not developed enough to appreciate secular government.
  10. That's not what Consciousness is about. You want a nice life, but Consciousness doesn't care about that. Consciousness will strip you of all your human fantasies, stories, desires, and ideas. The deeper you go, the less human you will become.
  11. 1) The US created ISIS with bad policy. Which is what Israel will also do. 2) Hamas is more complicated because Palestinians will still live in the region and still need a political solution to their situation. You have a situation there which will keep respawning radical Jihadists.
  12. This invasion will not help Israel live in peace. It will be a decade's long disaster for both sides.
  13. 95%+ of people killed in Gaza have been civilians. This is not going to be effective at eliminating Jihadists. If Israel wants to commit war crimes, it throws itself under the bus. There should not be any support for nations who show reckless disregard for civilians. Terrorists do not appear out of thin air. They are created by bad policy from the West. These wars on terror are pointless distractions and drain of resources -- exactly what the terrorists want. Recklessly bombing civilians plays the most into terrorists hands. The US needs to be a beacon of integrity and neutrality, not jerking off Israel.
  14. 1) There are laws and norms against bombing civilians. 2) If Israel wants to commit war crimes, that is their business. But the US should not fund it. Funding this is damaging US reputation and will result in terrorist attacks in the US for a decade to come. The US does not need another "war on terror".
  15. Your dose was quite low, so perhaps that. Otherwise it's just your unique genetics.
  16. At this point Israel is just carpet bombing Gaza: https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/25/middleeast/satellite-images-gaza-destruction/index.html The US should not be supporting this. This is not going to solve anything.
  17. James Woods has gone batshit MAGA for a long time now.
  18. A key value of the West is secularism, while in the Middle East they cannot fathom secularism, they want theocracy. A key stage of development is to reach the point where you see the value and importance of secular government and education.
  19. 10 mins is way short.
  20. I don't know what your experience is like. I would just caution you to be careful with the narratives and fantasies you create. Are the things you're saying actually true? Or stuff your mind just concocted because it sounds good to you? Put your stories to the test.
  21. Don't forget, spirituality takes different forms depending on one's Spiral stage. There is not one Islam, one Christianity, one Hinduism, one Buddhism. There are many.
  22. Read the book: Way Of The Superior Man
  23. Neither side has much interest in integrity at this point.
  24. Hamas kicked the PLO out of Gaza after Israel pulled out last decade. The radicals always have a way of unseating the moderates because the moderate are not ruthless psychopaths.