Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Not evacuate, but perhaps be willing to reassign those areas to the new Palestine state. Jews can live in Palestine too. And if they want to live in Israel so bad, they can sell and relocate. This is a reasonable compromise. Netanyahu has even proposed it. Hard to say. At the point, after shit has hit the fan, no one is safe. Good point. Yes, they are so weak and cornered that they will stoop to any low at this point. What else can they do? It's clear to me that if anyone there dared to express serious criticism of Israel's handling of Palestine they would be not only fired but probably blacklisted for life. You have to distinguish between surface level criticism vs deep criticism like we do here on this forum.
  2. That's true. Some of this stuff you just gotta take on faith based on the science and studies. Some stuff, like vitamines, you can measure in your blood.
  3. Alternative #1: Less arial bombing of civilian buildings. Never bomb hospitals, etc. Allow water, fuel, and aid into Gaza. Alternative #2: No invasion, invest heavily into strong defenses. Alternative #3: Annouce end to settlement expansion policy and call Hamas to negotiate release of all hostages and final peace settlement. None of the feed the thirst for blood, but they are sensible options.
  4. I love maple syrup. I can drink half a bottle of it straight up.
  5. You can easily take 10-20 supplements per day. But don't start with that. You must test every pill in your stack one at a time. Slowly build up your stack over the course of a few years. Only keep the stuff in your stack that you feel gives benefit.
  6. End settlement expansion would be a huge step towards peace. If Israel was serious about peace that would be the first step. But Israel wants to have their cake and eat it too.
  7. They definitely hide amoung the urban population. But then again, those are the conditions they have been cornered into. Of course Hamas prevents people from listening to Israel, who they view as the devil. Can you imagine if Nazis give your populations orders and you allow your people to follow them? That's how Hamas sees the IDF orders. And also, they don't want to give up half of Gaza to Israel, for obvious reasons. Yes. This is good. But in practice not so effective. It's not at all unlikely. All such presentations are political weapons and they are all approved by politicians. Their army is not some objective source. If anyone in the IDF dared not to tow the party line they would be severely punished immediately by the leadership. There's no doubt about that.
  8. Far too simplistic. I agree that settlements are bad. But Gaza has no settlements and no occupation. You are conveniently ignoring the general low development level of Palestinian society. It's so low that it's very hard to make any kind of peace with them. Even if you make a peace deal, Jihadists will still attack because they will only accept a total defeat of the Israeli state. What do you do about these Jihadists? They will never listen to reason.
  9. Yes, there's truth in both sides. That's the whole problem. If all the truth lay on one side the solution would be easy. If there is to be peace, both sides have to start being honest and admitting mistakes. As long as one side just blames everything on the other there cannot be peace. This whole thing is like therapy for a very bad arraigned marriage where divorce is impossible.
  10. I mean Netanyahu's policy of not trying to negotiate with the Palestinians any more, trying to just ignore the whole issue and going around their backs to make peace with the rest of the Middle East. In retrospect this policy backfired badly for the whole region. Because you can't just sweep the Palestinian issue under the rug.
  11. John Mearsheimer has some of the best views on this whole war that I've seen:
  12. But that's a double-edged sword! The US deep state is also so biased in their support for Israel that I cannot trust them either on this issue. Would the US really publicly debunk Israeli propaganda? I doubt it. I think anyone who tried to do that would be fired or reprimanded. The pro-Israel lobby in the US is very powerful and very biased. The pro-Israel lobby in the US almost pressured the Bush administration to start a war with Iran back in the 9/11 era. Watch this if you want to know more:
  13. P.S. I do try to care about you guys. It's just that I am limited in that because there's thousands of you and it can be quite draining, and my knowledge of your lives is very limited.
  14. I think I fixed it. Please check if everything is working properly now. If not, let me know. Sorry for the delays. This was the first time I've encountered such issues after a crash recovery.
  15. But that's how good propaganda would look. The problem is that in the end you're just trusting Israel. But Israel is not an honest actor in all this, Israel has a huge survival bias here. Obviously Israel is more trustworthy than Hamas, but that's a very low bar. That doesn't mean you can trust their military spokespeople. I have not seen a single Israel official honestly admit that their decades-long policy toward Palestinians was a causal factor in these Hamas terrorist attacks. And if they are unwilling to be honest about that, then they are not to be trusted. They can't just blame everything on Hamas without acknowledging any responsibility for this whole conflict. This terrorist attack -- barbaric and shameful as it was -- was just one incident is a much larger 70-year conflict, and to pretend otherwise is intellectually dishonest.
  16. The only way out is through. You can make use of capitalism to build yourself a decent life. That's what everyone has to do. You shouldn't expect government to just give you a good life. Turn yourself into a massive value provider. You can make good money in this system if you are hardworking and highly creative.
  17. Yes, it's not really suitable for human life.
  18. The problem is that Israel behaves in such a biased way overall that it's impossible to know if these presentations are true, or they are just war propaganda. There would need to be some 3rd party corroboration of this before we can believe it.
  19. It's not me being an asshole, it's just the limited nature of this medium. I'm just telling you guys to be beware of parasocial relationships. Look it up: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parasocial_interaction
  20. I suspect that as Israel starts to incur heavy losses in the ground invasion they will pull back out and redouble their bombing.
  21. Yes, psychedelics are dangerous. That's a feature, not a bug. Pilots have strict rules even against consumption of alcohol and even how many hours they are allowed to work per week. If you have a job like piloting, you have to be extremely careful and allow plenty of time for integration. You can't just take psychedelics and then go fly a plane the next day. It can takes 3-4 days to fully come down from a trip.
  22. That's a good trip, with many important lessons to contemplate. Your dose was a bit high. You will have a much better time with 1.5-2 grams. Try that next time. Don't worry, trips are not all the same. You will have much better trips in the future if you dose properly and as you get more comfortable with how trips work. Evil lasers? Sure, you could dream up such a backdrop to reality. The key is to notice that you're dreaming these things. And in some sense you have control over what you dream on psychedelics. You could dream evil stuff or you could dream angels and positive stuff. Notice that it's your mind that's taking you to that evil space. You gotta get better at managing your mind and letting go of evil images. Don't consume psychedelics with food. Take them on an empty stomach. They work better that way. Next time, I suggest that rather than thinking about evil lasers and such, you focus your intention of self-inquiry. What am I? What is consciousness? What is love? What is truth? What is God? These are the serious questions. Focus your attention on that. You can also focus your attention on the beauty of consciousness. Practice visualizing these positive things before you trip. Set a positive intention and drill it into your mind. What is it you want from a trip? Clarify this for yourself before you trip. Do you want to be healed from your depression? Then make that your intention. Don't give up after one bad trip. Just learn the lessons it showed you. One of the biggest lessons is to lower your dose and respect the power of CONSCIOUSNESS! Consciousness is no joke. It can skullfuck you real bad if you go overboard. So be humble. What bad trips do is they teach you the lesson of humility by beating you over the head. This is a very positive thing even though it doesn't feel good in the moment.
  23. @Clarence You are me, but that doesn't mean you have access to my mind. Technically all you have of me is just some pixels on a screen and some ideas. None of you guys actually knows my inner workings, so be careful with all sorts of assumptions you make about me. Especially if you get the sense that I am talking to you personally. Remember, I don't know you. To me you're just some words on a screen. That's all I know of you. I don't have a personal relationship with you, as some of you like to imagine.
  24. That is normal I think.