Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Dogecoin don't mine itself.
  2. Thinking of doing a video on this topic but wanted to hear your ideas. Contemplate before you post.
  3. My point about art was in reference to NFTs, which tried to combine art with crypto and it was a stupid disaster. The chances that you will predict which one of the 100s of alt-coins will become truly useful and mainstream is so low that you're better of just gambling with your money in Vegas. It is much wiser to invest your money in stocks, which represent companies which actually generate value and new useful technology.
  4. No, these are distinct. However, there tends to be overlap of these in highly successful people. When you are looking at extremely successful people you automatically introduce a selection bias. These people are highly abnormal in there psychology and temperament.
  5. Yes, no problem. Just use a good dentist. Get all-ceramic crowns.
  6. @Thought Art I know it's tough. Hang in there man. Keep stoking the hope.
  7. You are still very young and you got plenty of time to escape wage slavery and pursue your passions. There's nothing wrong with working a slave job for a few years to handle your debts and save up some cash. You don't need to give up. Working a normal job is just part of how you will bootstrap yourself. You just need more patience and to think more long-term.
  8. It's a combination of being genetically and tempermentally suited to it, and then working to cultivate those gifts. Similar to athletics. You can feed your mind lots of diverse and inspiring material to jog the visioning process. Obviously not since few visionaries are enlightened.
  9. Share your story, how you discovered personal dev, and what struggles you've overcome. Here's an example from me: Name: Leo Gura Age: 30 Gender: Male Location: Las Vegas, USA Occupation: Personal Development Speaker & Entrepreneur Marital Status: Dating Kids: No Hobbies: enlightenment, meditation, personal development, reading, learning, nature, healthy eating I got into personal development in 2007 when I started my first online marketing business in Boston and then Dallas, Texas. From there I started reading more and more self-help books until somehow I stumbled upon the pickup community -- a community of guys who learn how to get better at attracting women. I sucked with women and dating a lot back then so I hit it really hard and spent the next two years immersing myself in mastering the art of dating. In doing so I delved even deeper into developing myself. During that time I discovered life coaching and became certified as a coach. Then I launched Actualized.org, which was intended to be a personal development blog. Then I started making more and more videos until the thing ballooned into what it is today. Personal challenges I've overcome: Was fat my whole life until age 21 Absolutely sucked at attracting women Used to be very shy, introverted, and socially awkward Started my own business and became financially independent Cleaned up my diet A LOT, now eating mostly vegetarian Learned weightlifting Changed careers and finally found my life purpose Started my dream business: Actualized.org What I'm working on now: Working on enlightenment Working on improving my health & diet Working on being more authentic in relating to others Working on growing and deepening Actualized.org
  10. The key is not to think but just to flirt. If you are trying to calculate who is the easiest girl to get, you've already gone wrong.
  11. I have zero interest in Linux.
  12. All this moralizing doesn't actually solve world problems. Playing these blame games is just a waste of time.
  13. Equally bad things were done to men. Terrorism is terrorism. It doesn't need to be condemned especially for women. The one injecting bias here is you. Hamas IS being held so accountable for their crimes that 10,000 civilians have been killed. That you don't recognize this is the bias. What is it that you want? A nuclear bomb to be dropped on Gaza?
  14. Basically, don't assume anyone is Turquoise. The vast majority here don't know what Turquoise is.
  15. Turquoise requires a sophisticated sort of thinking, not just spiritual experiences.
  16. Pretty sure all sane people condemn Hamas terrorism. Why do you need explicit condemnation when it is so obviously wrong? It doesn't accomplish anything but virtue signaling. Nobody is pro-rape or kidnapping.
  17. That's only cause you obviously don't have children.
  18. How is this even an interesting choice? It would be a lot more interesting if you had to choose between your daughter and 10 homeless strangers.