Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. The biggest bottleneck is your neurotransmitters. Psychedelics address that directly, but it doesn't last long. Any of the classic spiritual techniques may or may not work, depending on your unique wiring. You have to try stuff out until you find things that work specifically for you, regardless of theory and boilerplate guru promises. No one can know what will work for you.
  2. No! This is creepy shit. Be fun and easy-going. None of this serious creepy shit. You guys fundamentally misunderstand what vibing with a girl is. Your problem is much more fundamental than picking up girls. You simply don't understand how to be social and how to party. Work on that first.
  3. Well, there is def a reason why this lack of results is happening. So now it's just a question of whether you want to troubleshoot the issue seriously enough to find the reason. I can guess that your top problems are: 1) wrong city, wrong location, 2) not approaching enough, 3) poor understanding of how to socialize, flirt, and vibe, 4) lack of intent to close, 5) you are not isolation training core aspects of your outer game, 6) your inner game is really bad such that you cannot relax and vibe. All these issues can be addressed, but you have to be serious and deliberate about it.
  4. No. Minority voting rights are as good today as they have ever been. - - - - I suggest you be much more careful about the skewed worldview you are imbibing from progressive and leftist channels. Their constant whining is slowly corrupting your mind with negativity.
  5. @BlueOak You can't even imagine how much harder life used to be. Especially for all minorities. Today's minorities live in paradise.
  6. You have to study enough pickup theory to be able to diagnose your own sticking points. Bottom line is that you need to be doing tons of approaching and pushing yourself for results like phone numbers and dates.
  7. Don't worry about it. Just start approaching. You can play around with strippers and escorts on the side, just don't make it your main pursuit. Your virginity is irrelevant.
  8. WTF?? You obviously lack basic social awareness. Rule #1 when talking to girls: Don't talk about creepy shit. When the content of what you say is creepy and weird, that creates a creepy, repugnant, anti-social vibe. Whenever you talk to a stranger you need to talk about things they would be interested in. You don't open a conversation with a stranger by passionately talking about how much you like to stick your fingers in your ass. You have to be attuned to what normal people are interested in, and what women tend to be interested in.
  9. This clearly means you're doing it wrong. If you are approaching you should be getting phone numbers, dates, and pulls. You should not be waiting even a year to start getting laid. So you need to evaluate what you're doing wrong. This is where a coach can be worthwhile, or a good wingman. Getting laid in college should be easier than out of college.
  10. IPEC coaching has a very similar model called Levels of Being.
  11. Ranking high in Google is all about getting backlinks to your site. Calling Google will do nothing.
  12. What matters is calorie density and even taste. When food tastes too good you end up eating too much of it. It's hard to make low calorie whole food taste so good you eat 3x the amount of it.
  13. You can disable that crap. It's quite easy. The instruction manual for the motherboard tells you how to connect everything up. And then all you need is to install the OS from a USB drive. Current SSDs are so good that this isn't an issue. You can use an SSD for 6+ years without any degrading. Samsung Pro SSDs are solid as steel, so don't worry about it.
  14. Large companies are not even interested in the money your small business would go after. These are totally different markets. Large companies are chasing after billions. No. You need to be creative and good at building a business.
  15. You tell them: Every other generation had it worse. This is life, not some fairytale.
  16. A massive terrorist attack tends to radicalize people. And it's not like people wear their racism on their sleeves in a job interview.
  17. Those who get serious about building a life are seeing it. Stop trying to apply general political statistics to your personal life. Build your life independently of whatever the political situation is. The government will never give you a great life. Either you build it yourself or you will end up with scraps. If you live in America things will never get much better for you. So just start doing serious work.
  18. @Romer02 A tip for you: Don't just wait, hoping for your business to become profitable. You must make it profitable immediately. Look for ways to turn a profit tomorrow. You find a way to turn a small profit, and then you spend years scaling that. You don't wait for years for profit to magically come your way -- because that will not happen.
  19. Marketing and sales are timeless skills which will always have value. Specific marketing and sales exploits change and become obsolete, but the general principles are timeless and useful to many different kinds of businesses.
  20. Life is better and easier than it's ever been in human history. Go build your life and stop engaging in leftist mental masturbation.
  21. This is not healthy. You gotta move on. Go talk to more girls. That's the real solution. There's always better girls out there. This oneitis thing is an illusion. It's important to realize that. There's always more than one girl for you in the world.
  22. 50% of men have not approached a woman in their life.
  23. The key is not to fool yourself into thinking that you know what these coins will do in the future. Much of crypto investment is based on self-deception. The deception that you know what is gonna happen in the future. The truth is that you do not know, no one knows, and you are just guessing. You could guess right but most likely you will guess wrong. I see many crypto people decieve themselves that they are doing something more than guessing. That is what makes this so dangerous and unsound as an investment. With crypto you are engaging in wild speculation but you rationalize it to yourself as something more than that.
  24. People change and get radicalized over time. His appointment was a long time ago.