Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. You were gonna vote for him. Now even guru Aya Trump is not good enough for you?
  2. @Past-Philosopher-562 Of course contemplation is always good. But the real solution is to fall in love with Consciousness.
  3. @Past-Philosopher-562 That's a deep, deep, deep self-esteem problem. I don't have any quick solution for you on that. You should read the book: 6 Pillars Of Self-Esteem and do all the exercises in it. Therapy or coaching could also help. Psychedelics and awakening to Love would also help a lot.
  4. @Past-Philosopher-562 You keep framing things in terms of frame, which I find weird. That's not at all how I see reality. I don't think about building strong frame at all. I just focus on pure understanding. The reason I have strong frame, as you say, is because: 1) I have a very strong sense of personal values, of what I think is important in life, 2) I spent so much time understanding the fundamentals of reality, and 3) I just love myself so much which makes me insanely arrogant. You don't love yourself enough. You don't value yourself enough. You don't appreciate your own existence enough.
  5. @Lyubov Sounds like the perfect place for you is Iraq, where you can just buy three 12 year old wives, lock them up in your sex dungeon, and beat them when they don't make you sandwhiches.
  6. Discuss: This guy says there's a UFO housed in Las Vegas!!
  7. Whatever you desire or don't desire is a bias.
  8. Maybe the dog bit you because you are a dog molestor. If you were a dog molestor would you admit it? Or would you just blame the dog?
  9. Trump is not post-modern post-truth, Trump is simply a conartist liar.
  10. No one's core value is Love. People say that, but they are full of shit and don't comprehend what Love means.
  11. No, this is nonsense. That will never work. Love is never enough. You can't be in a relationship with something that contradicts your core values and needs.
  12. Comparing France to China is silly. Yes, the EU will have strong regulations over social media. You're just gonna have to accept that. Don't go into 1984 hysterics. US communications have not been private for 20+ years now. The world hasn't collapsed. No one cares about your communications unless you are doing highly illegal things.
  13. Ya'll are getting distracted by human BS. What you are missing is that rape is an absolute aspect of Infinity. You're missing Infinity! Squabbling like rats over breadcrumbs.
  14. Of course she has. She is more intellectually disgusting than RFK. The horseshoe has become a doughnut.
  15. That's the biggest mistake of all.
  16. You hit the daily post limit.
  17. https://open.spotify.com/show/1Iad1nKfVWKnZIbMppoSRf
  18. Trump is a feminist, that's why he grabs em by the pussy.
  19. The issue is that he has brainwashed himself to believe his own rationalizations. That's exactly what Alex Jones does. RFK is Alex Jones lite. He suffers from the same epistemic mind-rot and it infects everything he says and does.
  20. Ideally you would get inside his mind and comprehend. And I have done that to some extent. I don't just call him a lunatic reflexively. I listened to his ideas seriously, and what I tell you now is my ultimate conclusion. You are welcome to research RFK's worldview and make up your own mind. But I am done being charitable to him. It's a waste of my time.
  21. We are not scratching our heads. It was obvious from a mile away that RFK would use a conspiracy theory to justify turning against the Dems. This is like the one thing you can count on him to do. We don't care about his conspiratorial rationalizations. RFK believes AIDS doesn't exist. He's a lunatic who believes in stupid things and then weasles around it when confronted in public. Nobody with intelligence should take him seriously. RFK is a trap in human form. Entrusting the Presidency to a mind like RFK's is beyond irresponsible.
  22. Imagine signing a contract with Satan because he promises to do progressive things for you in the future to improve the health of average people. It's a joke.