Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. There's no algorithm for it. This requires intuition built up from social experience. Think of it this way: You are tasked to train an AI neural network for what "appropriate" is, such that when you show the AI a photo of any social situation it can tell you on a scale of 1 to 100 how appropriate it is. For example, if you fart in a police officers face, that's 0% appropriate. If you whip out your dick in a kindergarten, that's 0% appropriate. If you throw a dead skunk at a judge in a courtroom, that's 0% appropriate. The reason pickup requires massive approaches and hours in the field socializing is because each hour, each approach, is training your neural network for what is and isn't appropriate, what is and isn't attractive, what is and isn't funny, what is and isn't cool.
  2. Lol That's not how fucking works.
  3. I recommend a bunch of brain health antioxidant supplements. Google for a list.
  4. Except you are hardwired to crave and need sex. And if you fail to get it you will become dysfunctional.
  5. He's mostly correct. American foreign policy is hypocritical and selfish. But what he leaves out is that this is true for basically all major state powers. It's not so much an American problem, it's a power problem. If the Islamic state had as much power as America, they would abuse it even worse than Americans do. It's easy to criticize abuses of power when you are powerless. The notion that an Islamic state would be democratic, care about the rights of people, and not commit violence is laughable. He demands that America become a theocracy, which can never happen because it is too developed for that. But he doesn't comprehend that because he's so brainwashed with Islam. Many of Osama's criticisms are valid, but his solutions are completely unworkable. Similar to Marxism.
  6. Ectomorph vs mesomorph vs endomorph body types.
  7. Most serial killers have more social calibration skills than some of the creeps who hang around here
  8. First you have to develop basic social calibration skills. It's like you're trying to do backflips but you don't even know how to walk. You have to start by understanding what is creepy and what is cool. And most of you guys here are creepy as serial killers.
  9. The best thing about it is meeting local wings. That's really the only reason to go. The theory is all available on YT.
  10. The problem isn't in the rejection per se, the problem is that the guy is investing energy and the girl doesn't get attracted and chooses another guy instead. Which obviously doesn't feel good. The bottom line is that the girl is filtering out the lower quality guys. So it's not merely apples vs oranges. The lack of attraction IS based on objective factors. The more a guy fall into the low quality zone the worse it feels precisely because it feels like he is getting rejected for objective qualities which he inherently lacks. Of course the solution is to not care, but this becomes hard if no one wants to sleep with you.
  11. I am algined with Consciousness. Scandinavian countries are not socialist.
  12. @Rafael Thundercat Tier 2 Spiral Dyamics is the answer.
  13. Just because post-modernism is problematic does not mean modernism, materialism, and objectivism are the answer.
  14. You've heard? Stop engaging in online debate and go talk to real girls and get their numbers.
  15. This is just some nonsense your mind concocted.
  16. @bebotalk The solution here is to go socialize with girls.
  17. Sounds very envious and closedminded.
  18. @Hardkill It's creepy, pathetic, and needy. Stop trying to talk about sex. Vibe with a girl the way you would play with a child.
  19. That's def doable. Right now point #1 is your top sticking point. I would focus on addressing that and just trusting that 3, 5, 6 will be easy after you solve #1 and #2. It's hard to seriously fix anything until you first solve #1 and #2. There is an order of operations here. Rather than saying why you can't do #1 & #2, you need to be asking: How can I make it my reality?
  20. Be mindful of your black and white, over-simplified, self-righteous attitude. These are complex issues with no easy answers and no good vs bad guys.