Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I've socialized for years without alcohol or drugs. You just have to train yourself to build up state.
  2. This is EXACTLY why Dugin calls liberalism Satanic. Because he believes it will ultimately devolve into that, and you are proving his point.
  3. Yes. If Hamas was as evil as some of you want to believe they would have killed all the hostages.
  4. I thought all the hostages would be killed.
  5. I assumed Hamas was more evil than it is.
  6. If Russia organized itself well as a government it would be one of the major poles in a multipolar world. Russia has a lot of talent and potential which is not being properly activated due to bad governance and corruption.
  7. Yeah, the Indian subcontinent is really bad in that respect.
  8. What post-modernism gets right is that reality is deeply perspectival and there are way more valid perspectives than just one. What post-modernism gets wrong is that humans can and must agree on some core facts, truths, and values. Just because there are many perspectives does not mean all these persepctives are equally truthful and good. Some are more deluded than others. Flat Earthers have a worse persepective than Round Earthers, and this is not merely an opinion.
  9. If you're having fun socializing then there's nothing to reframe.
  10. Not necessarily. You could just be in horrible pain.
  11. Welp, I was wrong about the hostages. Glad they reached a deal.
  12. Do it and see what you can get away with. Google for "Kino escalation ladder" and follow that. Touching hands, arms, and shoulders is very safe. Touch in a non-sexual way.
  13. Some nice insights. Your pickup lines need some work.
  14. Have you heard the story of how a psychotic student showed up to one of Ralston's enlightenment retreats and they had to call the police to remove him from the property? They don't tell you that in the brochure, eh?
  15. There's no algorithm for it. This requires intuition built up from social experience. Think of it this way: You are tasked to train an AI neural network for what "appropriate" is, such that when you show the AI a photo of any social situation it can tell you on a scale of 1 to 100 how appropriate it is. For example, if you fart in a police officers face, that's 0% appropriate. If you whip out your dick in a kindergarten, that's 0% appropriate. If you throw a dead skunk at a judge in a courtroom, that's 0% appropriate. The reason pickup requires massive approaches and hours in the field socializing is because each hour, each approach, is training your neural network for what is and isn't appropriate, what is and isn't attractive, what is and isn't funny, what is and isn't cool.
  16. Lol That's not how fucking works.
  17. I recommend a bunch of brain health antioxidant supplements. Google for a list.
  18. Except you are hardwired to crave and need sex. And if you fail to get it you will become dysfunctional.
  19. He's mostly correct. American foreign policy is hypocritical and selfish. But what he leaves out is that this is true for basically all major state powers. It's not so much an American problem, it's a power problem. If the Islamic state had as much power as America, they would abuse it even worse than Americans do. It's easy to criticize abuses of power when you are powerless. The notion that an Islamic state would be democratic, care about the rights of people, and not commit violence is laughable. He demands that America become a theocracy, which can never happen because it is too developed for that. But he doesn't comprehend that because he's so brainwashed with Islam. Many of Osama's criticisms are valid, but his solutions are completely unworkable. Similar to Marxism.