Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Read Bin Laden's letter. He tells you in plain words.
  2. By that logic it is completely reasonable for Palestians to say Jews are evil for taking their land. Religious nationalists run the Israel government. That's not the ideology which runs the government and motivates the expansion of land and desire to squeeze out all Palestinians from the region. Does not excuse taking land which belonged to other people. Whether they claim it or not is irrelevant. The governing polticians of Israel believe it in their bones and that's what motivates their grand geopolitical strategy. And the fact is that Israeli politicans have tweeted far worse things than "we are the chosen people". Their tweets demonstrate their self-bias. So there's nothing really to argue here. Everyone with an ounce of neutrality can see that Israeli politicians are self-biased to the extreme, and no amount of Hamas devliry can excuse that fact.
  3. But that virus is fueled by Israeli violence, domination, and theft. The problem is that Israelis refuse to admit that they engage in theft. Which means forgiveness cannot come.
  4. I don't argue, I contemplate and my understanding deepens.
  5. Your top boy says: Children of light vs children of darkness.
  6. Every religion! Lol If you believe that you are closest to God, the chosen people, then you will destroy anyone who gets in your way. The logic is perfect.
  7. If you are asking this question you clearly don't appreicate how seriously Jews take their relgion. If Jews were purely rational then we'd be dealing with a very different creature. We're dealing with a very Stage Blue culture there.
  8. No. In some sense it is closer to God.
  9. You are conflating different orders of imagination. Dogs and unicorns are both imaginary, but unicorns are more imaginary.
  10. Is the Earth round or not?
  11. By that logic Hamas should not have killed civilians on Oct 7th.
  12. Yes, that's a small taste of Awakening.
  13. @An young being Like watching porn under a microscope.
  14. That's pretty rare. You just got unlucky.
  15. You need to suggest an alternative plan. Like, "let's go get some pizza" or "let's go see the fountains". And if all else fails, "Can I come with you?" or "I'm heading that way too." You have to learn to manage them a bit. Give the friends compliments to gain their trust, small-talk with them a bit, then return your focus on your girl. And ultimately you have to seduce your girl to run away with you while her friends are busy. Grab her by the hand and say, "Let's run away together." 1) More physical game. More dancing. 2) More eye contact and facial expressions. 3) Speak louder directly in her ear. 4) Move her to a quieter part of the club. If a girl gives you a fake number then you didn't attract her, so it doesn't matter. Your goal is not numbers, it's responsive numbers. No, you don't need to call her to validate the number. Just trust that the number will be real because she likes you. Google and read: "Kino escalation ladder" Just ask them: "How many drinks have you had tonight?" or "You look like you're on molly." If a girl is so drunk she cannot balance or walk straight, don't even bother talking to her. It's not worth the time. Move on to another girl. Your time is valuable. Don't waste it on slobs. This is great. Girls will never touch you unless they are attracted. On the dance floor they could be in drunk party mode.
  16. For all the bombing Israel did, there was plenty of motive to kill the hostages.
  17. That's not really the core of Stage Yellow. I suggest you read the chapter on Yellow from the Spiral Dynamics book. Forgiving people who hurt you is a great idea simply because it will make you feel better. But do not mistake forgiveness for tolerating continued abused. Do not forgive people if they keep on abusing you and refuse to change.
  18. @abundance Dugin is not opposed to AI per se, he is opposed to the degeneration and destruction of mankind and man's soul or spirit. An example would be plugging yourself into a VR porn world for 12 hrs a day while robots cook your food and clean your house. For Dugin this is Satanism.
  19. Inflammation of the brain can take a month or more to recover. So patience is a factor.
  20. Tolle isn't a philosopher. He's doing very narrow nonduality. There's pros and cons to that.
  21. I would really like to see this discussion elevate to Tier 2 rather than cycling over and over again on Tier 1 finger pointing. Try to notice that finger-pointing is not achieving anything.