Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. It's wisest to judge people by the appearance of their genitals.
  2. So basically no meaningful difference. 8 weeks is not a lot of time. 8 years might show something interesting.
  3. No, don't be silent. Become highly expressively. This is how you develop charisma. Stop holding back your speech and stop running everything through a logic filter. Be more spontaneous. Sometimes you will say stupid things but it doesn't matter. Develop the skill to think out loud.
  4. I still think that big hospital bombing was a Hamas rocket misfire.
  5. I am skeptical of anything Israel government says, especially now. They are clearly very biased. But Tate is a sociopathic criminal con-artist.
  6. He jumped on the ketamine bandwagon.
  7. I don't even remember because that wasn't my concern. But I was coaching people for profit within 6 months.
  8. Not believing it until you show us a bank receipt of the wire transfer. Stop believing proven liars.
  9. I think if Elon took the narcissism test he would score pretty high. But maybe it's just good ole fashioned ego.
  10. It should be profitable immediately. Just because you had to invest some money into a venture does not mean that you cannot start making profit on your first sale.
  11. The internet has rotted Elon Musk's mind. The old Twitter was professionally managed. Now it runs on the whims of a narcissistic man-child. He's not an anti-semite. He's just immature, narcissistic, unprofessional, and surrounded by yes-men who cannot check him. Elon Musk thinks he knows better than everyone, which makes him act like fool sometimes. It was obvious to everyone that free speech absolutism doesn't exist on any major social platforms because it is terrible for business, not because of censorship. But Musk refuses to admit this. The entire premise for him buying Twitter was based on a wrong-headed theory of "censorship". When in reality it was just good ole fashioned capitalism. But Musk is too arrogant to admit this now. So instead he keeps doubling down and blaming everyone but his bad political theory. It's very simple: If you want a profitable social media platform then you cannot have free speech absolutism. This has nothing to do with leftist ideology. It's just common decency.
  12. Ultimately, no one can tell you what's right for you because you are unique. Even the best advice is just a rule of thumb. You are the CEO of your life.
  13. Improper analogy. The situation is more like this: You keep stealing eggs from your neighbor until he gets so pissed off he comes at you with a gun. After you kill him, you keep stealing more of his family's eggs. Then you do a surprised Pikachu face when his brothers come at you with guns. The egg-stealing plays an important role in all this so it must be examined. This is not a matter of dealing with a lone psychopath. This is a complex geopolitical collective justice issue.
  14. It's too late for that at this point. But at least stop plotting to take more land.
  15. Native Americans have valid historical connection to the land, but that doesn't mean they get to take my house.
  16. Jews have a country and it is not going away. So that's not really at issue. The only issue now is how to create peace. I am not saying Israel needs to be abolished. That's completely unworkable at this point. But, for example, Israel could pay money to Palestinians for the land they took. This might help to smooth tensions. The best way to create peace is to invest into the development of Palestine so they have some hope aside from terrorism. At this point they got nothing to live for but to hunt your children.
  17. You guys have made your choice: endless war. Okay. So there you have it. Okay. Doesn't a homeless person deserve to have at least one room in your house to decorate to his tastes?
  18. Yes, well, that is how it works when you build a castle on Arab quicksand.
  19. Go for it. But notice, that's pretty racist and biased and will have undesirable long-term consequences. My only point is that bias creates conflict. If you are interested in ending conflict then you should seriously look into self-bias.
  20. Well then, if you insist on deep self-bias as a governing strategy then don't be surprised by the karma it brings. The reason I point out bias is because if it is not fixed it will continue to bring bad karma upon you. If you are okay with bad karma then keep operating in a biased way. The crux of this whole issue is that Israelis create bad karma with their self-bias but then get offended and outraged when outsiders point this out to them. This offendedness is a defense mechanism from addressing the self-bias.
  21. That's like saying, I was homeless and hungry so I had to break into your house and raid your fridge. Jews live just fine in many countries without their own army.