Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Their evidence is probably thin. Getting solid evidence is hard.
  2. That's easy. Because Hollywood has no imagination so they just copied real alien reports. All the UFO movies are based on actual alien encounters. Because growing extra arms is very hard. And ultimately overkill. Evolution is all about energy efficency. If a dick is important why don't you have 5 dicks? Because there is too much evidence from serious people, and people are just not that creative.
  3. Every organism has to struggle to survive. This has nothing to do with men. That's life. @StarStruck Why do you even follow my work if you're just going to continue being so patently biased? Your agenda is not any more special or important than anyone else's.
  4. Do not confuse your desires for God's desires. Whatever your agenda is, that's ego. God has no agenda.
  5. You can't verbally trick a girl into getting her number. That's not how game works. You have to actually talk to her and establish an emotional connection so she wants to actually talk to you again. Learn to have a proper conversation, not childish gimmickery.
  6. You left out the most likely option: convergent evolution. The humanoid body may simply be the most efficient way to get intelligent creatures, because they need free hands to use tools.
  7. Ugh... the cringe.
  8. Lol
  9. Enough with this flexing cringe. Have some self-awareness please.
  10. This will make people lazier and stupider than ever.
  11. Those carts use cheap, toxic e-liquid.
  12. So what? One girl could tell you she has a dick. And it might be true. But you don't build your view of women off of that.
  13. @Thought Art Some girls will definitely try to use you. You gotta be wise to that. But otherwise don't be too cheap.
  14. Careful with that.
  15. Just use 100% Liquify Pro and mix in your DMT.
  16. You are way over-generalizing. No girl has ever said that to me.
  17. @Thought Art If you wanna be cheap, then choose cheap places for dates, like ice cream shops. Don't invite girl to expensive place and then ask her to pay. Some of you guys here are just cheap bastards. Part of becoming a good man is developing generosity. Whiney men are not good men. If you are whining over $20, that's cringe.
  18. Feminism just means equal rights for women. Not that women should be masculine.
  19. @shree That's a great color. Fear not.
  20. They should make a movie called Souless, wherein a talented young artist sells his soul and career to a giant corporation who milks his fans dry until he gets a mental illness and shoots up a school. The movie ends with them finding a new young artist to feed into their machine.
  21. I've done it a lot. It only works if you are seriously disconnected from society and social life. Not ideal.