Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Rich people tend to have some awful political ideas, because it's so convenient.
  2. Conspiracy of the man-children? They needed Trump and Kanye to complete this circle jerk of egomania.
  3. The sun is very racist. Gives me sun burn.
  4. Evil is not a fact, it is a judgment.
  5. All right, let's have 'em! Your best examples.
  6. @zazen Why are you making appeals to some ancient charter when I gave you an interview with their current position? Don't weasel around.
  7. I am seeing a vision of a Temple Of Doom style child save plantation.
  8. Toxic masculinity ain't going anywhere.
  9. You can find interview with Hamas spokesperson who says they will keep repeating more terrorist attacks until they elimimate Israel. This is their official position: It's not possible to live peacefully alongside such an ideology. Netanyahu is correct when he says so. That is not propaganda.
  10. I'm not motivated to read that. I have enough information and analysis about this war. Yes, obviously this war will create more terrorists than ever.
  11. Hamas doesn't want to global domination but their stated goal is to elimate Israel. This pretty much forces Israel to eliminate them. As evil as Israel is, Hamas is more evil. So we've got a battle between two devils here.
  12. You could tell them that you're spiritual but not religious.
  13. That's some awful logic. If you allow Stage Red, they will conquer you like Hitler or the Mongol hoards. The only thing stopping them is their own incompetence and disorganization. By giving them a state you enable them to organize. This is why ISIS was not allowed to have a state. Terrorists will keep organizing if you don't stop them.
  14. I'm just left wondering, what's the catch? What evil is used to finance this?
  15. CIA certainly controls and edits satellite photos. You're not gonna find a UFO on Google Maps.
  16. We already have much evidence of alien contact. None of alien AI.
  17. Why you pollute this forum with this egomaniacal buffoon?
  18. He has a history of posting sexist sort of ideas on this topic. Don't bullshit me. We all understand what is being implied with such threads.
  19. If it is truly intelligent, no. But the intelligence of AI is highly suspect. It shouldn't be compared to alien consciousness. The problem is that human-made AI will be corrupted by capitalistic forces, limiting its actual intelligence.
  20. 1) There are photos and videos but any such material will be indistinguishable from fakes. 2) The intelligence agencies obviously vacuum up the best material and classify it. You're not gonna find photos and videos of the inside of stealth plane cockpits on Youtube either. This stuff is very classified. 3) Taking high-rez photos of UFOs is not easy. You could only do so if one landed on your front lawn. And even if that happened, the government would show up to your house the next day and take it. These UFOs are easily tracked by radar. It's not like they are free to just land on people's front lawns. These UFOs are chased by military jets. Because clearly people are not mature enough to handle it positively. All airspace is controlled by the military. They have shown themselves 1000s of times. How much more do you want? An intelligent species has no need to attack us. It gains them nothing.
  21. It's not an issue of judgment, it's an issue of deep self-centeredness and lack of perspective and self-awareness.