Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Those of you who live in Israel, just be grateful that you live without being carpet bombed with US munitions. You are still innocent and therefore naive and ignorant about these aspects of life.
  2. But if you interact with ChatGPT you will quickly see it is less biased than nearly all humans. It's an amazing feat. It's like all the human biases cancel out once you pool all the data together. But also it's just because ChatGTP does not have a survival agenda. The need to survive is what makes humans so biased.
  3. Breaking new study: Eating human flesh lowers LDL by 10%.
  4. @Lila9 Israel has 100x more money than all of Palestine. Why is Israel collecting money from the US? I will start kicking people out of the politics sub-forum who cannot demonstrate a basic check on their biases. The goal of our work here is to minimize self-bias when we look at reality.
  5. Yeah, it's sad how biased humans are. I feel more kinship with ChatGTP than to humans because ChatGTP is more unbiased than most humans. Kinda pathetic how biased even very intelligent humans are.
  6. Yes, because this issue cannot be solved by taking the side of one or the other in the fighting. This requires going meta, which few minds are willing to do, so we have endless conflict.
  7. No one on the left wants the extinction of mankind. That is so dumb.
  8. I predict the right-wing will create their own highly manipulated right-wing AI because they will be in denial about the truths a neutral or objective AI provides them. Climate change is science fact? That can't be right. Something must be wrong with this AI!
  9. He equated the left and Twitter management with wanting to exterminate mankind.
  10. So much needless manipulation.
  11. If you guys wanna be serious, you should take into account that no political group is a monolith. There are people in the Israel government who legit want to do genocide and there are others who don't. And they fight with each other. The same is true on the Palestinian side. If you treat any of these sides as monoliths you will end up with a childish view of the situation and nothing will get solved.
  12. The difference is my politics is qualitatively superior to anything else you'll find out there. Because it's grounded in a deep understanding of psychology, spirituality, and self-deception. Understanding things is what I'm good at.
  13. @Rishabh R It's not complicated. Question what it is you fear and why.
  14. You keep asking this. You can't fake confidence, it automatically comes from training yourself in an area and gathering massive experience. So just pick a domain and start training and gathering experience. You don't need to worry, confidence will naturally come from that with time. There's not some trick that will make you confident across the board at everything.
  15. I don't even know how many allies it had other than the US. But it's not like countries will be unwilling to sell them weapons. Capitalism trumps morality in our world.
  16. @Hardkill So what? No amount of lobbying can hide Israeli butchery and war crimes. At some point every honest person will be disgusted with it.
  17. 1) That's just general Western bias. Israel is a Western style democracy while Gaza is a terrorist mess. 2) The Jewish lobby is powerful in America. They grease a lot of wheels.
  18. It's easily possible and predicatable because success in business is often acheived with ego, selfishness, and domination. All of that leads to bad politics. Good politics requires an unbiased mind, whereas good business requires a mind biased towards manipulating people and markets. The reason Musk befriends these people is because they are massive egotists, just like him. So they gather together for a nice circle jerk to validate each other's egotism. This way they never have to seriously grow and mature. And all of this immaturity earns them 100s of millions of dollars.
  19. It's not that Jews control the media, it's neoliberals and corporate interests who control the media and use it to advance their business. See, serious business is inhibited by the egotistical ravings of people like Alex Jones, Andrew Tate, Kanye West, and Elon Musk. The political views of these narcissists are bad for business, as Musk has learned with X and Kanye has learned with Addidas.
  20. @kenway Watch your language and tone.
  21. I don't know but I doubt it works like that. Your version of creation sounds quite egotistical.
  22. Of course they did. You are just not aware of American political hisotry. President candidates were often chosen behind closed doors by party machines. The reason Morning Joe isn't covering those minor candidates is because realistically they got no chance against Biden. Cornel West is a joke. Williamson will never bet Biden. The only one with some chance is RFK jr but he spreads anti-vaxxism.
  23. Not even close to a slide into dictatorship, just business-as-usual political manuvering that leftists are outraged about with surprise Pikachu face.