Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @enchanted I will be talking to him, but I don't want to talk about woke/anti-woke crap.
  2. It wasn't ridiculous. It was an act of fraud to cheat the American voters before an election, proven beyond reasonable doubt before a fair jury.
  3. Of course. The only reason to hate Trump is that he keeps doing his evil without any remorse. If he would have the honesty to admit he is wrong, all could be forgiven.
  4. Trump is a unique threat which I was not talking about here. But even with Trump, he's not going to have enough power to seriously stop free speech. Trump's toxic impact would be in other domains.
  5. Maybe in your mind it's not relevant but in my mind it is. Not everyone sees the world as you do or holds your standards of communication.
  6. Maybe cause it's true? Something to consider. Then again, I don't claim to be above self-deception.
  7. I am working on dozens of my deepest videos yet.
  8. I literally am not. But I do speak in provocative ways. You can call me egotistical if you like. Sometimes I am.
  9. Of course government does overreach at times. That's biz as usual. Gov is recording all your phone calls right now. Are we in serious danger of losing free speech in America? Not even close.
  10. Yes, of course. Flinging shit like a baboon is also an expression of God's Love. But flinging shit will not help you realize God's Love. The only reason I talk here is to help people understand reality at deeper levels. Well, that and for my personal entertainment. Have whatever reaction you want. But existential understanding it is not.
  11. It is most relevant. I am dead serious. I appreciate the costs of being in society. You, on the otherhand, have a childish, self-absorbed understanding of society.
  12. Yes, of course!! Welcome to survival. You treat society as some kind of silly game. It's life and death. You don't understand that yet.
  13. Anyone who says that God or Truth is unchanging, isn't very conscious. That's not serious God-Realization. Brahman is always dreaming. The problem is that extremely few people understand what Brahman is. Mostly what you hear is people parroting ideas they heard, not a genuine understanding. Brahman is fluid like the ocean. An infinite ocean of dreams.
  14. I want a game that lets me hunt Buddhists with a harpoon.
  15. That was before a MAGA coup, before the entire right-wing lost their mind that an election was stolen, before the Supreme Court gave Trump near total immunity for any crimes in office, and before Project 2025.
  16. Of course gov puts pressure on large social media corporations because there is so much harmful disinfo happening on their platforms.
  17. It would if you imagine it. Meow!
  18. He def fell down the anti-woke rabbit-hole. But otherwise he's got a good philosophical mind.
  19. I am just a peasant next to you, oh lord of hyperbole.
  20. You were gonna vote for him. Now even guru Aya Trump is not good enough for you?
  21. @Past-Philosopher-562 Of course contemplation is always good. But the real solution is to fall in love with Consciousness.