Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Nothing I said pertained to Kanye's art. I only mentioned Kanye for his absurd poltical narcissism. Kanye believes he's a hero fighting against the forces of evil. If I ever talk about Kanye, it's about his politics and narcissism, never his art. P.S. You got a serious bias for Kanye because you love his art. It's clouding even your ability to read my blog post with nuance.
  2. The crypto trading done in this thread is no different than daytrading. I am well aware of how daytrading works. It is gambling. Just because some people make some money at it doesn't change the fact that it's foolish and dangerous gambling. This kind of gambling has been going on on Wall Street for over 100 years. Nothing new here. Except crypto is even more dangerous because it is an unregulated security and has zero inherent value, unlike a company. Nobody knows what any crypto is actually worth. Anyone who tells you they do is self-deceived.
  3. Owen is too ambitous for a low-key spiritual life. He has a lot of ambition to burn through. As Owen said in this video, he has a pretty unique personality so he needs a lifestyle to match. So don't expect him to be some kind of Zen guy. Except the other philosopher hasn't done what I did. Very few good philosophers have ever existed. You can count them on one hand. Haha He told me it was his last free tour in Austin in 2011.
  4. @Rahul yadav I can't tell you that.
  5. Most philosophers just mentally-masturbate until they die.
  6. That is contradicted by the evidence. There is a video online of Netanyahu in a private meeting talking about how easy it is to manipulate the Americans to go along with whatever he wants. He brags about it. And from everything I've seen coming out of the White House, this is true. I, as a voter, am sick of the White House writing Netanyahu blank checks.
  7. I would argue Biden's is giving a blank check. This is more true than the opposite. I have not seen any serious threat to pull funding. By an objective standard it is amazing how soft America is on Israeli devilry. Nearly a blank check. This is not how a neutral arbiter would act. This American bias also fuels the conflict.
  8. A lot of folk would beg to differ on that. But I get ya. If someone wants to love Jews, no problem, unless that love turns into a blank check to oppress Arabs, which is what happens in practice.
  9. I only tell her that when her legs are wide open.
  10. The self-bias of Israelis goes far beyond just those extreme hard-right Zionists. The force of nationalism is very strong across the whole population at this point and it skews government policy towards evil. Sure, but there is nothing about Jews that makes them more important or sympathetic than other ethnicities. One of the problems that fuels this conflict is that people are over-compensating with sympathy for Jews due to The Holocaust. But ironically this enables genocide-like behavior towards Palestinians.
  11. That is a fair point, however the Jewish lobby is extra powerful and Zionist sneakiness and manipulations go far beyond run-of-the-mill money in politics. It's not just about the money.
  12. The best way to be creepy is to tell women stuff like this.
  13. Sigh.... Dude, you are your own worst enemy here. You have this toxic suspicion of women. Like you need to fight with them. I have talked to thousands of women and never once has your kind of thinking entered my mind. You just go up to women and have fun talking to them. That's all. Stop with all this ideological overthinking. There is no political battle, there is nothing you need to defend against. You are thinking about things you shouldn't even be thinking about. The only thing you should be thinking about is how to make a woman laugh and how to have fun. I'm telling you what works. What you are doing will not work.
  14. If a woman tells you you're creepy it's because that's how you made her feel. Her feelings are genuine but of course that is her subjective experience. It doesn't have to correspond to objective reality. The point is that once you learn game you will never make women feel creeped out any more and everyone will be happy. No one claims that being creepy is a scientific fact. It's how you make others feel.
  15. I want to wiggle my tongue into your ear hole.
  16. DMT will make you so conscious that your pathetic life will melt like cotton candy in the ocean.
  17. Lol And pigs don't like to bathe.
  18. For example, Israel has a powerful lobbying arm in the US which has a strong influence on silencing people who point out Israel bias or devilry. And that's just the visible tip of the iceberg. They extert even more power behind the scenes to skew and distort US foreign policy to suit themselves. Israel almost successfully lobbied the Bush administration to invade Iran. This is very sneaky shit. There are many examples of Israeli war propaganda you can find online. The Israeli goverment has little respect for truth. Which makes peace impossible. What I have noticed from watching a lot of interviews with Zionists is that their whole worldview is shamelessly self-biased to the point that you can't have a truthful conversation with them because they got their agenda to promote. This makes peace impossible and it leads to stuff like war crimes. The ultimate problem is that these religious Zionists have chosen loyalty to being Jewish over loyalty to truth. This must lead to evil. Evil is falsehood. Truth is more important than Zion.
  19. This is some romantic nonsense. If you were given the task of acting as Hitler, you would need to do some serious research into who Hitler was. There is not a natural Hitler hiding inside you. At least I hope not. For example, most people don't even know that Hitler was addicted to meth and other drugs. How can you act that out without knowing it? How can you even know what meth does to your mind?
  20. Owen's stuff is groundbreaking if you're new to it. But it gets repetitive quickly. He tends to cover the same points endlessly. Frankly I don't understand how he's not sick of it yet.