Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. That's not Awakening, that's called being a donkey.
  2. God said to himself, "I wonder what it's like to be retarded." And became a human.
  3. Very cool. This machine might make Elon Musk more money than everything else he's done. This is his best idea so far.
  4. China is not even able to make sub-10nm chips. They are still far behind. But their rate of growth is impressive and they might catch up in the next 20 years. But then they will face profound political problems as their corrupt communist regime hits its limits.
  5. The closest thing to enlightenment is a baby high on 5-MeO.
  6. @Dodo Your shitcoins have the shelf-life of a Furby.
  7. @Squeekytoy If you pull your head out of your ass maybe you will start to understand me
  8. @gettoefl Please start using proper grammar and punctuation in your posts.
  9. Everything valuable in life requires work.
  10. If you want advice ask detailed questions.
  11. Really?? This is what you post on my forum?
  12. A psychopath can be very creepy without caring that he is creepy. The creepiest people don't even have enough self-awareness to know they are creepy. This would be like an autistic psychopath stalker. Of course women are most creeped out by that because they are so vulnerable to it.
  13. Start coaching all your friends for free. Text all your friends and extended family, offering them free coaching. Coaching is not about giving people advice, it's about asking them powerful questions.
  14. Nazism is not a coherent ideology. It's full of delusional contradictions, stuff ad hoc slapped together to clothe an underlying sense of insecurity and ego.
  15. Every democracy is a fake democracy to some degree. Democracy comes in many degrees and even the highest degree of it on this planet is pretty low. Lots of narrow interest groups are small but influential. Corproations are small but influential. Again, because American democracy is pretty corrupt. Rotted out by corpos and Republicans.
  16. I only tried once and it was nowhere close to working.
  17. A child is not Awake. Its mind is just empty. An empty mind is not Awakening.
  18. That's one of the karmas of following your dick for 20 years. Why do you think I'm not doing what Owen is doing? I could do what he does, but it would be beneath me.
  19. Your loyalty should be to Truth, not to me.
  20. I was never a Bitcoin fan. I have some long-term investments in Bitcoin to balance out my portfolio and hedge against hyper inflation. I don't trade it. It's anyone's guess what that value will be in 2 years.
  21. Most PUAs are selfish, manipulative, egotistical, and dishonest. But they are not creepy, because creepiness kills a guy's ability to get laid. Which is what PUAs are most interested in. Creepiness comes from inexperience. The most creepy guys are Incels.
  22. Then why do women sleep with them so readily?
  23. A lot of thought went into making it that way. I could have filled my life will all sorts of distractions.
  24. No! These are very different. Companies and gold have something tangible behind them. Crypto does not. Gold is an inherently useful material and it has been valuable for 5000 years. And anyway, if you were daytrading gold I would also call that foolish. You have no idea what gold will be worth in 2 years.