Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. It is democratic. Democracies do plenty of war crimes.
  2. Wait till I tell you the other UFO story from Tittycockha.
  3. @Parallax Mind If you're gonna go Nazi, you might as well go top-dog. Shoot for the moon.
  4. @mmKay If Ben Shapiro mind melded with an alien, the alien's head would explode from the horror. Ben Shaprio's mind is closed tighter than a nun's legs. Ain't no download getting in there.
  5. @mmKay Don't poo in his champagne.
  6. Yeah, but how do you do that when the place is so corrupt, poor, and murderous? Full Palestinian sovereignty is exactly what the Israeli government is dead-set against. And hey, it's hard to blame them. You'd have to be a saint to give full sovereignty to a serial murderer sharpening his axe.
  7. You are like a crack addict coming back for one more round of hits.
  8. I'll tell you what your core problem is... You're being too serious about all this. The trick is to genuinely let loose, get in the playful zone, and have a blast without a care in the world. Game is play. You deserve to get that stick out of your ass
  9. Their creativity is suspect. They love to copy and steal a lot.
  10. I am writing a money-making book under the pseudonym: Dick McPoor
  11. I mention some at the end of the Intro To Serious Philosophy episode. Ken Wilber, for example.
  12. All the tedious factory work. This is not for personal use, this is for business.
  13. @Nabd Hegel has a good grasp of the Absolute. Too painful to read though.
  14. I used to be an atheist. Then I woke up.
  15. I tried to read it, really wanted to like it, but it was too long-winded and boring to finish.