Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I didn't say healing or siddhis are impossible. It's just not the case that humans have the same spiritual capacities as aliens because genetics matters. Just because aliens can magically heal themselves does not mean humans can. Many humans suffer from illness and with no remedy, and no amount of New Age woo will save them. If these aliens can heal themselves, that's certainly possible. But that doesn't mean humans can do the same.
  2. No problem. Dream away and enjoy it. You're still gonna be dreaming even if you Awaken. The purpose of the dream is for it to be enjoyed and appreciated. Don't make it into a chore.
  3. The whole question is backwards. Consciousness is all there ever was. It's as silly as asking if space extends beyond your house. Space isn't in your house, your house is in space.
  4. Go for it! Just plan out your meal logistics before you start.
  5. I don't think you can get a more accurate picture than the original sketch. It is very specific and clear. The only downside to it is that it doesn't show various angles and details of the hands and feet.
  6. 1) There are MANY degrees of democracy, like a scale from 0 to 1000. And no country is anywhere close to 1000. Being closer towards 1000 is better than being closer to 0. 2) Democracy as it is practiced today is too weak to assure equality. But it at least prevents tyranny and insane injustice. The closer you get to 1000 the more equal and just things get.
  7. That sounds good in theory but in practice you might live to regret such a policy. Geopolitics is too complicated and intertangled to just allow one large country to gobble up another large country without any pushback. If you just let Russia run amok it will build itself into an empire and spread its corruption around the world like a virus. Look at Dugin's gameplan. It basically leads to civilizational war between the West and Eur-Asia.
  8. There are credible reports that the US tanked a peace deal. The US definitely cares more about weakening Russia than it does about saving Ukrainian lives. It's not clear how much Russia has been weakened. In a sense Russia might be stronger despite the loss of lives because they have been forced to become more self-reliant as an economy and to ally closer with China and other authoritarian regimes. Also, the land, ports, and natural resources that Russia gains from annexing land strengthens their geopolitical position and economy. - - - - - - There's not really a good solution here. That's the problem. It's not at all clear what kind of peace Putin would agree to. He could agree to a peace and then attack again whenever he senses an opportunity. Allowing Putin to get away easily with annexation also sets a bad precedent. What if he wants to annex Moldova next? In the end I think Ukrainians have to decide whether they want to fight or not, without being pressured by the West.
  9. On the other hand, what do you want? To let Putin annex a whole country with no resistance? And don't blame this primarily on the US. Ukrainians themselves want to fight Putin because the force of nationalism is very potent.
  10. @Francis777 No, it's not trauma. Amibiton is a personality trait and it comes on a bell curve. Most mega successful business people are extremely high in ambition.
  11. Research Alpha lipoic acid, it helps many with neuropathy issues.
  12. Russia has lost over 300,000 troops. Ukraine put up an amazing fight for its size. But Ukraine can only do so much given the size disparity.
  13. @Inliytened1 You'll understand serious when an alien tickles your ass crack with its boney finger.
  14. @Inliytened1 You're just jealous that you don't get to come with us on a field trip to Slutville.
  15. You guys are gonna have a field day with the latest CNN news. God help us all.
  16. @mr_engineer A girl will almost never call you creepy unless you do something quite socially wrong. The problem is you lack social calibration and awareness. Which only comes from massive experience. Dude, I've been there, I've done creepy. I know how it works. Girls never call me creepy any more. Because I know what not to say and not to do.
  17. @mr_engineer Just be your non-creepy self bro.
  18. That's like me saying: Leo's Last God Talk.
  19. @Spiritual Warrior Make a study of the principles of detachment from outcome and self-amusement. What would it be like if you interacted with girls to amuse yourself more than to get something from her? This is the serious inner game paradigm shift that gets you laid.