Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @Rishabh R Just the discipline you will need to go out every weekend for 2 years straight will grow hair on your balls. And much more will come along the way. For example, most of guys have zero sense of humor. You don't know how to crack to hilarious joke. That will take you 2 years to learn.
  2. That's not what I was talking about. What's better than any girl is the skills build at getting girls in general. Focus on building a goldmine, not cherishing a single nugget. Well, just get started. That's part of pickup. You can start going to your local mall and chatting with all the sales clerks. Do that every weekend for 6 months. Or, just start going out to bars on Fri/Sat. There's no reason to wait. You will learn once you're there. It won't ever get easier by waiting. Just get your ass out of the house every Fri/Sat. It's not much different from hitting the gym. It's just habit you do without even thinking about not doing it. You don't need any skill to go out. You don't need any kind of result either. Just go out and approach a few people. That's already a success.
  3. He's a very conscious guy. But I think he also has a lot of weird Hindu beliefs that he picked up as part of his cultural background. There's a lot of spiritual dogma and mythology that gets drilled into one's mind if you hang around yoga retreats and so on. And if you have a proper guru, he will fill your head will all sorts of untested ideas and myths. Just because yoga works doesn't mean it doesn't come with many bad ideas on top of that. In fact, the more it works, the more BS you can add on top of it to fool yourself and others. You can be Awake and still have plenty of bad beliefs. Awakening is not a cure-all for self-deception.
  4. It's not paradoxical. Consciousness has the ability to comprehend itself. All that's required is a bump in your state of consciousness.
  5. You can find Indian sources of Modafinil online if you search around. Just be careful. Some are scams. Don't make large initial purchases.
  6. The female equivalent of pickup is maintaining a social circle. Girls are sponteneously much more social than guys. Becausw that's how they survive.
  7. That could work. But unless you do it hardcore it won't grow you as much as pushing yourself with cold approach will. Cold approach requires you to push yourself so much. Some casual socializing doesn't do that.
  8. The solution is that there's only Consciousness.
  9. A solution for a problem that does not exist. You don't need a special form of DMT or 5-MeO-DMT. DMT is perfectly orally active with 1 pill of harmala extract. And 5-MeO-DMT should just be plugged. These companies are looking to invent patented psychedelics so they can charge $1000s for a single dose. It's the ultimate grift.
  10. There is no substitute to cold approaching and interacting with 1000s of women. This process will grow you in so many ways. You don't even understand what you're missing.
  11. Of course you don't. It requires Awakening. No, it's AWAKENING. What I am tell you requires a very profound comprehension of the nature of reality. It is not an assumption or a theory. It's a direct insight you are lacking. What you're missing is the insight that consciousness is infinite. You're missing Infinity. Once you realize Infinity then you aren't guessing anymore. Infinity is the actual metaphysics of every possible thing. The problem here is that you're not conscious of what consciousnes is. To become conscious of the ultimate nature of consciousness is Awakening.
  12. It's hard to explain that to someone who hasn't seriously tried it.
  13. @IronFoot You are looking at this the wrong way. Learning game is not about chasing for sex. It's about growing yourself into a powerful man and an adventure. The main benefit is not the sex you have but how strong you become.
  14. @AtmanIsBrahman You're not appreciating the depth the problem. The very notion of discrete non-conscious physical objects is dreamed up by Consciousness. You are assuming that objects can exist. Like a rock can just exist. But this is impossible. A rock can only exist inside Consciousness.
  15. If you like Sadhguru then just follow his work. You can't force people to be who they aren't.
  16. Once you develop a lot of experience and skill, you won't need to start from scratch every time. You should plan to invest at least 2-5 years into learning game. Then you will have the skill set. You should also seriously consider moving to a city with a good nightlife and day game opportunities.
  17. Big thanks to those of you here who strive to grow and behave yourselves. I am proud of you. To the others:
  18. Prime Directive is applicable when there is no easy external fix. The Gaza situation is a deeply political, developmental issue which has no easy external fix. Violating the Prime Directive makes most sense in a situation like a pandemic, where a quick vaccine can literally be the cure. But most of the world's political problems don't have such a simple technological solution, therefore the local parties have to resolve it themselves.
  19. He had a big UFO thread. As @OBEler said, it got flooded with some low quality stuff and cynical trolling. The UFO topic is challenging because there's plenty of trash and also trolling skeptics.