Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I realized it was thing I always wanted. But truth doesn't come to you as a single thing. There are many layers, versions, and degrees of it. Some feel nice and others are hell. You're never going to get truth in its entirety. You will catch glimpses of it.
  2. Gambling and speculating is the surest get poor quick scheme. Just be honest with yourself. The only reason you are doing this crypto stuff is because you don't actually wanna do the real work of building a legit business. So here you are, looking to weasel your way into some money you neither earned nor deserve. This is not the behavior of a serious person, this is the behavior of a corrupt degenerate.
  3. Most of my nights out were with wingmen. Maybe 90-95%. Solo gaming is real hard when you start. But it grows you the most if you can muster the balls to do it. If you want to seriously learn game, you must look for experienced wingmen who you can learn from.
  4. That is the most tried and true investment advice there is.
  5. He could only pardon at the federal level. Most people in prison for weed are at the state level. Still, it's good, but not ALL.
  6. That's your lame interpretation. It's not hard to take a hit of bufo and not move. Those fools who scream and flop around like fish on the ground are just that, fools. Fake? He said no such thing. What I saw is that he got high as a kite and enjoyed himself. Typical trip for me.
  7. Bezos is exactly right. No one wants truth. Truth will kill you. When you say you want the truth, it's because you don't understand what it is.
  8. @Davino If you're using this for pickup the point is not to maximize noise reduction. Moderate reduction is all you need. This is not like going to a shooting range.
  9. It's harder with earplugs, but you can somewhat get used to it. Or you can selectively take them out. You can even take out just 1 earplug when you're talking to a girl. Put it back in in between approaches or on the dance floor. Some areas of the club are more dangerous than others. Especially when you're near the speaks or the dance floor is when you want to put your earplugs in. I haven't tried those. Not sure how well they would work in a bar/club.
  10. @Rishabh R I mention various values, but ultimately you have decide for yourself what resonates with you.
  11. Yes, but this issue there is you have to run a rigorous experiment with various people because one person's experience is not going to give a clear picture. There's too much subjectivity at play here.
  12. Yes, or start going to local social events. Build a social circle or use Meetup.com to find local social groups.
  13. That chart is too conservative. Most ears can handle more than that without damage. I have spent hours in very loud nightclubs above 100dB without earplugs and it was okay. But that's risky. Err on the side of safety.
  14. Rather than following a book, ask yourself: What is most valuable to me in life? Don't be afraid to make your value highly unique and customized to you. Your values must come deep from your heart, not from a book.
  15. Not a good idea. It will become a crutch for you. Fix your social awkard not through drugs but through socialization.
  16. Means nothing. Smoke it yourself and that's all you need to know. Why are you asking some naked man in the jungle to validate God for you? That's the mistake. Also, comparing yourself to full time yogis is foolish. You are not that guy and probably never will be.
  17. The burden of proof is on Sadhguru in this case. Maybe Sadhguru's claims are coming from the ass.
  18. I'm not. Because I already went through that. I spent 2 decades building my life. Many of you guys haven't. If you are 18, you need to spend at least 10 years grinding to build up a decent life. But realistically more like 20 years.
  19. Stop comparing yourself to others. They are not you. If your looks are really good or you are highly extroverted then getting girls is much much easier. You have to work with the cards you've been dealt. You just have to accept that some guys will get girls way easier than you, and such guys will never understand your struggles. So don't listen to them.
  20. Because you are taking massive action and facing your fears. This creates an upward spiral of momentum.
  21. Stop thinking about it, stop worrying about it, and just commit to going out and approaching people. Their reactions are irrelevant. There is no mental trick here. The only trick is to force yourself to go out and approach every week, whether you want to or not. If you try to be too clever here, you will end up not taking any action. So the solution is not more thinking, it's action. YOU CANNOT THINK YOUR WAY INTO SKILLS WITH GIRLS. You must go in the field and take the blows. All the shit that will arise, you will deal with as it arises. Pickup requires courage.
  22. @Asia P You must be careful not to turn spirituality into a bypass or form of escape from managing your survival and life. If you struggle to get dressed, what good is your spirituality? Spirituality is good, but at your age you need to put a lot of time and energy into just mastering survival. Build a decent life for yourself. Don't just sit around hoping that your life will get great all by itself. It won't. You have to put work into it. Be careful about neglecting core areas of your life like family, relationships, career, building skills, sex, friendship, finances, diet, fitness, health, etc. You have to invest energy into all these in addition to whatever spiritual work you do. It's very hard to be happy if you neglect all those areas and only do spirituality. You can get yourself trapped that way.
  23. Roger Love is considered one of the top vocal coaches in the world. He works with everyone in Hollywood. He offers 1-on-1 coaching or has cheaper online training programs like this one: https://theperfectvoice.com I've taken some of his courses. They offer exercises you can do in the shower every day to train up your voice. The exercises are worth doing. One of the best ways to train your voice is with singing. You can take singing lessons if you wanna get serious about it. Or just practice singing on your own. Basically, singing IS the ultimate vocal training exercise.