Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @OBEler Don't over-fill your carts. Fill them about 90% up and leave a gap of air at the top for the lid.
  2. This is nonsense. What is your plan how to get laid?
  3. I do, unless you're doing long term investing. Many of you here are not really investing, you are trading. You are trying to buy low and sell high, over and over again.
  4. Sure, that's just the definition of frame, basically.
  5. Of course. As I have said, if you are good looking and extroverted you will have it much easier. But still, pickup is a specialized skillset that takes years to learn.
  6. That's right. The value was created by the employees of those companies, not you.
  7. Just tell him: Stop fucking around. I'm going to hit on girls every weekend. You are coming with me. If you come you must approach at least 15 girls/night.
  8. That's like pissing in the ocean and claiming you raised the sea level.
  9. Start with 2 gummies to test their power. That should be a mild trip.
  10. Doesn't sound like this friend is ready for a breakthrough. Be careful not to force this on unprepared noobs. You could really freak them out. And don't give chemicals to friends. You don't want to be charged as a drug dealer.
  11. It may be valuable. But you did nothing to create that value. You are a value-parasite in this case.
  12. Yeah, that's a problem. Still, on a big college campus there should be dudes who are interested in game. Not sure how you find them. You can also just look for naturals who go out a lot.
  13. @OBEler Dude, you will not get any precise dosage via vaping. Vaping is done by feel. Fumble around and you will figure it out. You will develop a feel for it eventually.
  14. @jimwell I'm not making a moral case against you, but rather a business case. Doing business that is not grounded in providing massive value to people is just bad business and leads to more failure than not. If you are stuck in a bad place, doing solid business is all the more important because you can't afford to screw around with flimsy money schemes. All the money you made trading you could lose tomorrow. So be careful. The problem with corruption is that it often leads to failure.
  15. Depends on how many carts you plan to make. Each cart is about 1ml. The proper way to vape is to completely exhale, then do a long deep inhale into the lungs and hold your breath as long as possible, for 60+ seconds. Then repeat until you are high as a kite. One hit might be enough, depends on the chem and how much you dissolved on the liquid. 5-MeO requires much less hits than DMT. You can get very high on a single hit of 5-MeO, whereas DMT might require 3 hits.
  16. Why should she want your used cock inside her friend?
  17. Depends on how much money you make. RSD bootcamps can be bad because they get so overcrowded and you don't get much 1-on-1 supervision as it's more like an all-around RSD party than a proper bootcamp. But this can vary by location and time of year. You'd probably be better off taking a bootcamp with a less well-known coach. That way you get lots of 1-on-1 supervision and his full attention. Owen is too popular do that. You have to understand that because RSD instructors are so popular they can be very lazy with their bootcamps. And they also over-charge. I would never do a bootcamp in the middle of RSD world summits. It's total chaos and you won't get any serious instruction. It's important to select the right time and location of your bootcamp if it's to be productive. But if you're a total Owen fanboy and you must have Owen, then that's what you're really paying for. It's fan-service.
  18. Yes. For sure. You can make friends there. Almost no one asks this. You can say: 1) I was meeting some friends here. 2) My friends are around. [point hand far in random direction] 3) I'm rolling solo tonight. No one cares. Everyone goes out to socialize on the weekends. Online pickup forums. You gotta really search around. It varies by city.
  19. Happy Holidays! Watch out for Alien Santa.
  20. Putin will never step down. His entire life is tied up with holding that position. Never forget, Putin's life is on the line every day. This is not a game for him. If he slips up he's dead. This is not the American political system.
  21. Not happening. 50% of Russians are brainwashed by nationalism and state media propaganda. This is like expecting W Bush to be overthrown for the Iraq war. This is Russia's Iraq.
  22. What do you mean by results? Sleeping with one girl? That is so random it could happen anywhere from 1 to 500 approaches. The only result you should be interested in is building a solid skillset. Which takes 2-5 years of constant approaching. If you're not gonna do 1000 approaches you shouldn't even start pickup.